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Forums - General Discussion - No-God slogans on busses.

SamuelRSmith said:
Kasz216 said:
SamuelRSmith said:

Actually, it's the Queen who appoints the senior members, though it's on advice from the prime minister. I do not believe the prime minister has to give advice, and I even believe a law was passed saying that if the prime minister is not a protestant, the queen doesn't need to take the advice.

Or something like that.

From what i've read the Prime Minister is given names and then picks one... who the queen then has to appoint.  I haven't read anything about that other law.

Though Gordon Brown did want to pass a law to where the Prime Minister is given one name... which is then given to the queen.

Making it really a pointless exercise.



Well, the idea is to slowly remove the powers of the Queen, which of course, I am for, as a Republican.


Well unless the law you mentioned exists (which i'm not calling you a liar bu i can't find any proof of it.) the queen doesn't have any choice anyway. 

She can choose between the guy the Prime Minister picks... and the guy the Prime Minister picks since she is sent one name by the Prime Minister.


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Rath said:
halogamer1989 said:
That is wrong.

How so?


He obviously doesn't believe in a free market economy.

The communist.


I am not a g-damned Commi. I am a free market Republican and don't criticize me again.

halogamer1989 said:
I am not a g-damned Commi. I am a free market Republican and don't criticize me again.

A free market republican would believe that kind of thing is right, because they were willing to pay the required price to put it on the Bus.

That's what is great about the US.  You can do whatever stupid thing you want to do like that.

@Kasz - Well, I can't anything, either, the closest I got was this:

The only proof I have is that I heard it before, which really isn't proof.

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halogamer1989 said:
I am not a g-damned Commi. I am a free market Republican and don't criticize me again.

So your free market ideology and your Republican ideology are at war with each other?

Atheism was around for millennia before communism.

Why can't atheists purchase advertisements like religious people can, YOU NAZI!  :)

Coca-Cola said:
Kasz216 said:

What study was that?

There is no doubt that religious people do more to better the world.

I havent looked the topic up, so thanks for the info. 

Do those statistics include liberals wanting to pay more taxes and support more aid programs?  I dont believe generousity indexes include such things.  Who helps a poor person out more, a Christian who gives them $50 and tries to get them to go to church, or someone who pushes for more taxes to pay for financial aid and job training programs for the poor?  I know from first hand experience that conservative Republicans are trying to shut down a local senior job training facility that teaches low income seniors how to use computers, while liberals are fighting for more tax money to support the program. 

Perhaps its a difference in method, but there is no doubt that Liberals do a lot more good than conservatives. 

And thats not to mention that, socially and economically speaking, that most conservatives have a economic self-benefit to give to charity because they believe they are doing so in exchange for goods in the afterlife.  When an ahtiest donates, they know there is no afterlife benefit, they are just helping others.  Is it really that generous to give to charity if you think you'll get a mansion in Heaven and eternal salvation for it?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
halogamer1989 said:
I am not a g-damned Commi. I am a free market Republican and don't criticize me again.

So your free market ideology and your Republican ideology are at war with each other?

Atheism was around for millennia before communism.

Why can't atheists purchase advertisements like religious people can, YOU NAZI!  :)

No my religious beliefs interfere with it.  I believe if they wanted to advertise an atheism club or something they could do so with a less controversial banner.  and @ rubang-- SIGHIEL!!   lol


ManusJustus said:
Coca-Cola said:
Kasz216 said:

What study was that?

There is no doubt that religious people do more to better the world.

I havent looked the topic up, so thanks for the info. 

Do those statistics include liberals wanting to pay more taxes and support more aid programs?  I dont believe generousity indexes include such things.  Who helps a poor person out more, a Christian who gives them $50 and tries to get them to go to church, or someone who pushes for more taxes to pay for financial aid and job training programs for the poor?  I know from first hand experience that conservative Republicans are trying to shut down a local senior job training facility that teaches low income seniors how to use computers, while liberals are fighting for more tax money to support the program. 

Perhaps its a difference in method, but there is no doubt that Liberals do a lot more good than conservatives. 

And thats not to mention that, socially and economically speaking, that most conservatives have a economic self-benefit to give to charity because they believe they are doing so in exchange for goods in the afterlife.  When an ahtiest donates, they know there is no afterlife benefit, they are just helping others.  Is it really that generous to give to charity if you think you'll get a mansion in Heaven and eternal salvation for it?


But some conservatives think that things would be better in the long run without such programs.  And since they're correct, it's conservatives that do the most good :)


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
appolose said:

But some conservatives think that things would be better in the long run without such programs.  And since they're correct, it's conservatives that do the most good :)

No, conservatives are wrong.  Funding job training and edcuation for a poor person is much better than a monetary handout and an invitation to worship a mythical being.