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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii will not make 50% marketshare this year :(

oliminator1994 said:
I hope that Wii will never get 50%. Im a fan of improved graphiced capable consoles :)



Cry moar.

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Yeah, I don't think they will. Left their run too late.

Very good chance they will hit 50% in Feb/March '09 though.

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souixan said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
DMeisterJ said:
Nope, it won't. It'll be like at 49.5 or something. 360 should be at 26, 26.5 PS3 should be somewhere between 20 - 21.5, and Wii should be 45 million on the dot.

So it should miss the mark by at least 1 million, but at most, 2.5 million.




You do here predict

Wii: 44.75M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.4M -23.2%

X360: 26.1M - 28.1%



1) Your predictions are very different

2) The prediction in the quote leaves 4% to no-one.




Ummm where do you get 4% in 48.5 23.2 and 28.1? that leaves 0.2%


 In the quote, not the link. The link leaves 0.2% due to rounding errors, the quote leaves 21.5 + 26.5 + 49.5 = 3% off or something.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
souixan said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
DMeisterJ said:
Nope, it won't. It'll be like at 49.5 or something. 360 should be at 26, 26.5 PS3 should be somewhere between 20 - 21.5, and Wii should be 45 million on the dot.

So it should miss the mark by at least 1 million, but at most, 2.5 million.




You do here predict

Wii: 44.75M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.4M -23.2%

X360: 26.1M - 28.1%



1) Your predictions are very different

2) The prediction in the quote leaves 4% to no-one.




Ummm where do you get 4% in 48.5 23.2 and 28.1? that leaves 0.2%


 In the quote, not the link. The link leaves 0.2% due to rounding errors, the quote leaves 21.5 + 26.5 + 49.5 = 3% off or something.


Clearly that 2.5% goes to the Vii.


Was always much more likely to happen next year rather than this year. I am suprised there are so many that still think it will never get to 50%

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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itll it it before the end of the financial year

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Mr.Y said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
souixan said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
DMeisterJ said:
Nope, it won't. It'll be like at 49.5 or something. 360 should be at 26, 26.5 PS3 should be somewhere between 20 - 21.5, and Wii should be 45 million on the dot.

So it should miss the mark by at least 1 million, but at most, 2.5 million.




You do here predict

Wii: 44.75M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.4M -23.2%

X360: 26.1M - 28.1%



1) Your predictions are very different

2) The prediction in the quote leaves 4% to no-one.




Ummm where do you get 4% in 48.5 23.2 and 28.1? that leaves 0.2%


 In the quote, not the link. The link leaves 0.2% due to rounding errors, the quote leaves 21.5 + 26.5 + 49.5 = 3% off or something.


Clearly that 2.5% goes to the Vii.


But remember that it is possible that it is as high as 4.5% going by DMJ's numbers. This means that the Vii increases almost 0.1% every week! In 4 years, the Vii is going to have a higher market share than the 360. Quote me on that.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

astrosmash said:
superchunk said:

With that I would peg Wii at around 42m by years end. Throughout this year I have pegged it at 45m, so it is now a little lower than my expectations, however, IF I was wrong and the 50% increase is actually WW not just NA it will definitely be over 45m.



Nintendo says 51mil shipped to retail by March 31. Do the math backwards from there and you will see supply will not constrain them to 42 mil by December 31.


Without rushing January shipments, they should get about 43.5 million to retail by December 31; if they rush January shipments like last year 46 million to retail by December 31 should be possible.

That was my original logic all year long when I kept saying 45-50m by year's end. However, now that we are so close and I run the real numbers and plausible % increases from last year, I just don't see how its possible.

Granted I won't be sad if I'm wrong but I don't see Nintendo selling more than 43m by January.

Then if they would need to sale an average of 3m through March to make their 51m target. So, you argument is still very valid.


sc94597 said:
@ Groucho The gamecube didn't take away PS2 sales dispite being over 100 dollars cheaper, what makes you think the Wii would be overtaken by the 360 due to a 50 dollar difference.


The 360 doesn't have to "overtake the Wii" to make 50% marketshare for the Wii impossible.  Not even close.

Think the Wii will get to 50% by next Jan or Feb but not sure if it can hold it for the entire gen. Think there will be a fightback by HD consoles. The % will fluctuate and i think eventually it will fall short but only by a tiny amount.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!