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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Alan Wake Is HERE!! Trailor Inside.

Isn't this supposed to be something like 256-player multiplayer or something? It looks like a single player game..?? I don't see where any kind of multiplayer besides coop fits into this based on that video..anyone care to clarify?

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Phrancheyez said:
Isn't this supposed to be something like 256-player multiplayer or something? It looks like a single player game..?? I don't see where any kind of multiplayer besides coop fits into this based on that video..anyone care to clarify?

lol. I believe you have it confused with MAG.


Phrancheyez said:
Isn't this supposed to be something like 256-player multiplayer or something? It looks like a single player game..?? I don't see where any kind of multiplayer besides coop fits into this based on that video..anyone care to clarify?


This is a single player game for the 360/PC.  I would take a guess and say you're thinking of MAG on the PS3.

Griffin said:
Phrancheyez said:
Isn't this supposed to be something like 256-player multiplayer or something? It looks like a single player game..?? I don't see where any kind of multiplayer besides coop fits into this based on that video..anyone care to clarify?


This is a single player game for the 360/PC.  I would take a guess and say you're thinking of MAG on the PS3.


 Nah, whenever people first started talking about MAG, I could of SWORN people were saying '360 has a game coming that has that too!' and I could have sworn it was Alan Wake..I must be crazy, I didn't search the forums to find out and don't feel like it so I'll just assume I never saw it or am thinking of a completely different title.

You might be thinking of Huxley which appears to be vaporware right now

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I hope Alan Wake isn't a Heavy Rain killer, at first I was interested in Heavy Rain the game looked good, than I saw the gameplay. First thing that came to mind was Indigo Prophecy...than I realized it was the same team. I checked metacritic and was astonished to find Indigo was actually a B game. I however hated that game, the story was cool but I really dislike that style of gameplay.

On Topic: Trailer looked good, but I didn't see much new. I want to see some gameplay, is this gonna be Max Payneish? Will there be bullet time? What else are they adding, this game is taking four ever, what went wrong?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Phrancheyez said:
Griffin said:
Phrancheyez said:
Isn't this supposed to be something like 256-player multiplayer or something? It looks like a single player game..?? I don't see where any kind of multiplayer besides coop fits into this based on that video..anyone care to clarify?


This is a single player game for the 360/PC.  I would take a guess and say you're thinking of MAG on the PS3.

  Nah, whenever people first started talking about MAG, I could of SWORN people were saying '360 has a game coming that has that too!' and I could have sworn it was Alan Wake..I must be crazy, I didn't search the forums to find out and don't feel like it so I'll just assume I never saw it or am thinking of a completely different title.

Huxley and Donnybrook.

Alan Wake is a survival horror game crossed with a sandbox game. Very unique concept, and looks phenominal.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Do want.

wow, are those in-game graphics?!?!

Alan Wake is coming out to smack down the doubters about what you can do on the 360...while this is PC trailer, I think the 360 will be superb as well.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder