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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSP-3000 sales, 141k during the first four days in Japan.

If we can believe Enterbrain the PSP-300 has sold in his first four days 141.240 units giving a total of 10.357.481 PSP's sold in Japan.


Pretty good opening if ya ask me :).

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I'm one of those people that bought one. Looks like PSP isn't dying off after all here. Yes, PSP 2000 sold 250k opening week, but PSP 3000 is a minor upgrade compared to PSP 1000 to PSP 2000, which also had an FF release.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


Is this a joke thread? Link is Four Oh Four.

link from kotaku

Feel free to add


Fanboy (sometimes spelled fanboi) is a term used to describe an individual who is devoted to a single subject in a fanatical manner, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. Fanboys remain loyal to their particular obsession.

Prediction: PS3 will have 25 percent of the nextgen console market be end

of the year i.e. till 31st dec 2008

Galaki said:
Is this a joke thread? Link is Four Oh Four.


 What?  If you are talking about the link...I can't link on that site to the article but if you scroll down a bit the site you will see a PSP article in German about this.

Edit:  Ah some English sites have the news aswell:

The release of the PSP-3000 unit appears to have given Sony's portable a major boost at retail., citing sales figures from its parent company Enterbrain, reports first week sales totals of 141,270 units for the PSP-3000 hardware following its release on the 16th.

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best news ive heard in weeks
FYI this is a repeat thread

Here's the Famitsu source. Instead of a link of a link of a link :)

Wow seem the saturation of DS really hits Japan. Its as expected though...

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

The source: Expect PSP hardware sales to jump into 55,000 to 70,000 unit range.

I am not really a fan of TheSource Japan weekly predictions anymore;

konnichiwa said:
The source: Expect PSP hardware sales to jump into 55,000 to 70,000 unit range.

I am not really a fan of TheSource Japan weekly predictions anymore;

I don't think The Source uses any figures for the hardware, but just guesses them based on games sales (like the increase for MHP2G)