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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - sick of MS dancing around problems

at the end of the day the fact is MS released a busted product and all customers deserve some sort of compensation for this bs, maybe a free game :), it will be interesting to see how that lawsuit filed against them turns out, seeing that there was that article about a month ago from that guy that told everyone about how MS knew the 360's had problems but still released it just to get that head start.

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thejuicingamer said:

at the end of the day the fact is MS released a busted product and all customers deserve some sort of compensation for this bs, maybe a free game :), it will be interesting to see how that lawsuit filed against them turns out, seeing that there was that article about a month ago from that guy that told everyone about how MS knew the 360's had problems but still released it just to get that head start.

Yet that statement goes against your OP, as you've changed your stance now that everyone is holding you at task for your faulty logic and wrong ideas.

And if your friends got RRoD, then you should know they did get free stuff as compensation - I know I did when mine RRoD'ed.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Had my 360 for 17 months and its only frozen 2 times, 1 of those being the disk from family video which was scartched to helllllllllllllllllllllll.

A+ for MS in my book.

I have had a 360 since launch, 1 RRoD. Still love it. Still play the hell out of it.


really cause im pretty sure i've backed up all of my claims, the fact that the RROD is still occuring on a normal basis and MS acts like they did nothing wrong in putting faulty products on the shelves and thats where they fail.

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MrBubbles said:
based off my personal accounts it doesnt exist anymore. good job Microsoft!!

If you check out the "360 is broked" thread at something awful, you'll find a lot of Xbox fans with brand new 360s that still get hardware problems -- RROD or otherwise.  The failure rate for nearly new units is still very, very high and there is little evidence that the RROD has decreased.  For the last two years people have said that the new hardware has decreased the percentages of RRODs, and yet it is still a signficiant problem even for fairly new hardware.

@bigfatJ, agreed, the new hardware, along with Elites which are supposed to be "THE 360" to have has done nothing to slow down this plague known as the RROD....

thejuicingamer said:
Link for original xbox

So  1 xbox that was left on for 4 days is gonna make all XBOX junky?


I think not!



@garnett, the fact is they released a power cable that did not address the underlying problem which was the faulty power suppy,

Notice you dont mention the generous warranty for the RROD, and while your at it why did you not go with a PS3 since you wee having all these xbox problems?

Seems to e you just like to complain about MS. They arent saints but its a great system and dosent need more bashing for an OLD issue

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks