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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft gets patent to block swearing in live audio streams

MrBubbles said:
Zucas said:
MrBubbles said:
actually...since i just went and looked...such language violates the terms of service, so you have no right to use such language when on xbl. so, zucas, i think you should not argue this anymore.


But I do it anyways so what ya gonna do about it haha.


probably feel pity for you :-/


Haha i have a solution to that... don't.  People censor those words because they think they are inherently bad.  I don't think any word is bad.  Perception is reality and they are only bad because that what people perceive them to be.  However a word can't be bad now can it.  Apparently I'm too much of an idealist for people here.

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Don't think they said how it will be implemented.

This can be good for xbox image or it can be bad to all xbox players with censorship of every game you play online.

I guess people did not see the amount of censored vulgarities I posted on this thread in order to prove a point. I censored what I said, because if I didn't, I would be banned. I already have been. If you are willing to take part in a forum that censors you, what is the problem with M$ doing it on Live? I have no problem with censoring vulgarities. People have a right not to listen to my foul mouth. It shouldn't be forced upon them.