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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - High Voltage:"We may announce our publisher in the next 2 weeks"They didnt

I could be wrong but I suspect their publisher wants to announce it at their half-year fiscal update ...

Being that High Voltage covered development costs on their own, pretty much anyone could be the publisher. I wouldn't be all that surprised if it was a massive publisher like EA, Activision or Ubisoft and at the same time it could easily be a much smaller publisher like Majesco.

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Well.. the said "may" not "will" so i won't blame them this time :P

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If it is Ubisoft, the lulz will be worthy.

I have one reason to think it will not be ubisoft: No ubisoft wii game has online.

They didn't fail anything, "may" saves their asses.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is Nintendo, maybe one thing to do with their mountains of money should be to become a publisher for games they think are high quality like The Conduit, maybe will spur a wave of quality development from third parties.