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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3-Naruto VS 360-Naruto

Too bad I do not want to play either.

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The PS3 version seems more faithful to Naruto than any other game. The demo was awesome and I hope my bf gets the full game. >:3

I really like how Naruto:UNS is shaping up and the fact that the story runs all the way through to Naruto vs Sasuke saga seems like it went all the way with the whole story line of the actual Naruto series (unlike those stupid DBZ games that like stops after Frieza or Cell saga). However im worried that like all anime fighting games, they'll milk this and come with another one with just more characters etc. I'd be happy if i kno that the next ultimate ninja series game is going to be a Shippuuden one so at least they wont milk out the original Naruto series.