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Forums - General Discussion - More Drilling in America Issue is Silly

Ya know probably most people know this already but I just want to make sure it is stated on this forum. McCain and the republicans have been stating we can help America by doing more drilling here to help break our dependence on foreign oil and drop gas prices. THIS ARGUMENT IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Why?

Two things. American uses 25% of the world’s oil. Only 2% of the world’s oil reserves are in America.

So that whole argument about we can break foreign dependence on oil or drop gas prices is completely impossible. WE don’t have enough to support ourselves. WE have to have oil from countries like Saudi Arabi to supply our need for it.

Alternative energies is the only way to break our dependence on foreign oil. Anything else is a bold faced lie. Don’t buy into that bullshit.

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Why cant these people see the ET (electic technologies) are the future boom industys. The thing that they are all shying away from is the industry that can drive the worlds economies for the next 20 years.

Predictions JAN 08

2008 PS3-19.5M(actual 19.5) XBOX360-23M(actual 27.5) Wii - 37M(actual 45.8M)

End of 2009 PS3-27 25M XBOX360-30 35M Wii - 48 63M (revised DEC 08)

Price Point
Mid 2008 Wii $250 Xbox360$249 Xbox360(HDD)$299 PS3 $399

Mid 2009 Wii $189 Xbox360$199 Xbox360(HDD)$249 PS3 $339

Mid 2010 Wii $ 149 Xbox360$159 Xbox360(HDD)$199 PS3 $289

I hate that statistic. No one tells us how much 25% is, and how much 2% is. if 25% of the worlds consumption is only half a percent of the oil reserves, then we have 4 times as much oil then we need.

Those two statistics alone mean nothing.


TheRealMafoo said:

I hate that statistic. No one tells us how much 25% is, and how much 2% is. if 25% of the worlds consumption is only half a percent of the oil reserves, then we have 4 times as much oil then we need.

Those two statistics alone mean nothing.

I've been reading a lot about oil lately, so I think I can give some useful information.

The world consumes approximately 80-85 million barrels per day, the US consumes about 20 million barrels per day.

US proven reserves are 21 billion barrels, enough for about 3 years of consumption. The estimate of undiscovered resources is 134 billion barrels, enouh for 18 years of consumption (but this is an estimate).

However, there's a big problem those naive calculations don't show. USA's production rates can't keep up with daily consumption. The USA produces around 5 million barrels per day right now, and it's not due to output throttling. Production falls every day because oil extraction slows down as the oil fields deplete. This means more and more imports are necessary to satisfy consumption.

Now for the interesting stuff:

Obviously, more drilling can theoretically help to contain or reverse this decline in production. The problem is that it takes a long time (many years) to start up production in non-explored areas. For example:

In May 2008 the EIA used this assessment to estimate the potential cumulative production of the 1002 area of ANWR to be a maximum of 4.3 billion barrels from 2018 to 2030. This estimate is a best case scenario of technically recoverable oil during the area's primary production years if legislation were passed in 2008 to allow drilling. [12]

Quick math: 4.3 billion barrels in 12 years means less than 1 million barrels per day. This is a best case scenario.

The EIA found that access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf of Mexico regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil production or prices before 2030. Total domestic production of crude oil from 2012 through 2030 is projected to be 1.6 percent higher than in EIA's "no access" reference case.

Conclusion: The USA isn't going to be independent from oil imports for the foreseeable future. If someone tells you otherwise, ask them how they're going to eliminate or replace 15 million barrels of daily oil imports.

Here are some good articles which provide references to more authorative sources:


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Thanks NJ5. That is useful information. What it means is we have an estimated 20 years of oil under us. For other reasons we can't get it fast enough, and that should be what politicians say.

I am very much for alternative fuels (I like biodiesel for cars), but not extracting as much oil as we can seems strange. What's the downside to going after those 155 billion barrels?

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TheRealMafoo said:
Thanks NJ5. That is useful information. What it means is we have an estimated 20 years of oil under us. For other reasons we can't get it fast enough, and that should be what politicians say.

I am very much for alternative fuels (I like biodiesel for cars), but not extracting as much oil as we can seems strange. What's the downside to going after those 155 billion barrels?

That's a fair way to put it, the key thing is that this oil can't be extracted in 20 years (not even close).

Potential downsides of going after these reserves:

- Lack of resources (for example, shortage of drilling rigs).
- A big investment would be needed (perhaps not easy to come by during this economic crisis)
- Environmental issues

I didn't read these articles but they probably have some useful information about that:


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

TheRealMafoo- shouldn't have needed that anyways. Anyone should be able to tell from statistics that there is a serious issue with 25% of consumption and only 2% of the world's oil reserves. But I guess concrete data helps those that need it.  Point being Oil is not America's future.  It just can't be given this.

Zucas said:

TheRealMafoo- shouldn't have needed that anyways. Anyone should be able to tell from statistics that there is a serious issue with 25% of consumption and only 2% of the world's oil reserves. But I guess concrete data helps those that need it.  Point being Oil is not America's future.  It just can't be given this.

I am going to make these numbers up (and grossly exaggerate them), to illustrate how these numbers don't mean anything on there own.

if 2% of the worlds oil reserves are 500,000,000,000 barrels, and 25% of the worlds oil use was 50 barrels, would we have a problem?

We need to know the absolute values of each of those percentages for the statistic to matter.

Oil sands ppl... Oil sands -- Plus deep mid-Atlantic baseline Gulf oil that is hard to reach but pumps out a crapload when tapped.

halogamer1989 said:
Oil sands ppl... Oil sands -- Plus deep mid-Atlantic baseline Gulf oil that is hard to reach but pumps out a crapload when tapped.

We already discussed oil sands the other day, remember? There are not many in USA and production is already ongoing there.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957