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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SCIV Yoda and Vader downloads Confirmed

thetonestarr said:
I wouldn't have a problem with paying a few extra bucks to get Darth Vader. I'd rather have him for free, but I don't mind paying a little for him, either.

Of course, I got SC4 for like $25 off eBay. I paid for the 13 games I own what most people pay for 5.


 So, your going to pay 5 bucks for some character you'll use once or twice? Nice...

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Soul Calibur is my favourite traditional fighting series. I own three of the five titles.

Additionally, I'm a fairly significant Star Wars fan, and one of my best friends is a huge Star Wars fan (we're talking, he's read nearly every single one of the Star Wars novels and he knows almost everything about Star Wars). I use The Apprentice and Yoda quite a bit in conjunction with my usual Lizardman, Nightmare, Mitsurugi, Siegfried, and Kilik. Throw in Darth Vader, and I'll be very happy.

Once or twice? Nay, friend. I'll use him quite a bit.


thetonestarr said:

Soul Calibur is my favourite traditional fighting series. I own three of the five titles.

Additionally, I'm a fairly significant Star Wars fan, and one of my best friends is a huge Star Wars fan (we're talking, he's read nearly every single one of the Star Wars novels and he knows almost everything about Star Wars). I use The Apprentice and Yoda quite a bit in conjunction with my usual Lizardman, Nightmare, Mitsurugi, Siegfried, and Kilik. Throw in Darth Vader, and I'll be very happy.

Once or twice? Nay, friend. I'll use him quite a bit.

Soul Blade would be the first, correct? Anyway, its your money.


Soul Edge's the first, yeah (console version's called Soul Blade). I never got that one. I own SC, SC2, and SC4. I'd like to get Soul Edge/Blade someday, though. SC3, though, I'm content to let slide right on by. :p
