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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Head of Xbox: Nintendo copied us

In the beginning, avatars created the heavens and the earth. Shortly thereafter, a long chain of people and groups would copy the initial creators of the universe.

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Jackson50 said:
scottie said:

Sorry, the Ancient greek Gods had Avatars long before MS did


They Greek gods copied the avatar idea from the Sumerian gods. 


They should call me Mario... cos I just got 1up'ed


Jackson50 said:
Xen said:
Lol, MS blame others for copying. The irony of it all...


MS is not blaming others for copying them. Don Mattrick, a senior VP for MS who founded Distinctive Software, Inc., is the one making the claim. DSI was not affiliated with MS. 

Yep, Don Mattrick cited a game his company created before they merged with EA.  This is not Microsoft claiming anything.  The title of the article is misleading and meant to stir up the pot.


it's like who invented the beat box first and who put it on wax (record) first between the Fat Boys and Doug E Fresh. in the long run does it really matter? no. people will buy what they want regardless.


This hand of mine is burning red. It's loud cry is telling me to grasp victory.....SEKIHA TENKYOKEN!!!