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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo, you have lost yourself a customer.

Dear Nintendo, 


Please stop counting your money for a secound I have something important to say.  Despite you have released a lot core titles for the Wii, even faster than you did on the Gamecube, almost as much as the Super Nintendo,  it still isn't enough.  

Thats right Nintendo, despite I know games take as long as a year or more to develop now, I'm still going to hold this against you.  Whats that you say?  I'm unreasonable?  No Nintendo you are. Spend that money on child labour in china, I don't care, get those games out NOW.

You see I'm a HARDCORE gamer.  You need me Nintendo, you must especially listen to me.  Why?  Because I have foreseen your future.  I know you just roll your eyes saying my predictions or rantings on a forum is pointless and doesn't effect your over all income.  But your wrong.  You see I'v figured something out.  Your killing the videogame industry.

Let me explain,  You, a video game company, are very profitable in the video game industry.  Meaning that because you a company that makes money solely on videogames will kill the market your making money in.  Don't believe me?  Look at other companys that do that.  Please stop it.  

Sure enjoy your large amount of income, customers and insane amount of profit.  but know this.  You have lost yourself a customer.  Does that scare you Nintendo?  Knowing I, one person who is easily replaced by at least one hundred thousand more each week. 

Yeah you better worry Nintendo.




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What makes you think that a person working at Nintendo would spend their time on this forum?

Dinomax said:

You need me Nintendo


You're killing the videogame industry.


Yeah, you better worry Nintendo.

And there is where you are wrong.

Get yourself a PC or a 360 then.

Looks like some people's sarcasm meters are broken...

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and this seems to have flown over everyone's heads....

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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I got the general schtick about some nintendo fanboys being unreasonably demanding, but does it really need a thread?


Edit: on second thoughts, if some of them read this, it might.


Nice, Dinomax. It made me laugh. =D

You need a Kimpossible avatar, seriously.

On the contrary, Nintendo is saving the video game industry from becoming a hardcore niche by appealing to the same audience who started with the NES and subsequently lost interest.

I too would like more high quality games from Nintendo that I can enjoy; I don't happen to like Wii Sports, not because it is "casual" but because it is genuinely not fun to me. The only two I have loved are SMG and SSBB this generation, but more will appear I am sure. As long as Nintendo survives (which the profit from the Wii Series will allow them to do) there will be good games I enjoy. I certainly don't hold it against Nintendo for pursuing more profitable audiences than mine, and I don't think they have abandoned us either.