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Forums - Sales Discussion - I don't want this gen to end....

Don't worry there are still like 3 years MIN of this generation and if you have a PS3 you still have 8 years ;)

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I have a theory that Ralph is a  fanboy because he is a retard. And he likes boys too, confirmed in the simpsons movie.

F.U. Fun University.

Falcon095 said:
Don't worry there are still like 3 years MIN of this generation and if you have a PS3 you still have 8 years ;)

Haha, oh yeah, that's right! :p PS3 will last another 8 years according to Sony, I ought to get one!

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Well, if nothing else, we should see the Wii keep going strong, Energizer Bunny-esque, for another 6 or 7 years before it really gets into decline. That is, unless somebody disrupts the Wii, which is a tall order in an industry where creative ingenuity is about as common as singing clams. Though if you've thrown your lot in with either of the HD Twins, don't expect that kind of longevity from them... Disrupted products tend to fade pretty quick, on the whole, or they limp along in the shadow of the disruptor out of sheer determination.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I think this generation had the smallest 'jump' from the previous ones in terms of the "HD" consoles


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ultimate_123 said:
^ That's what I do, mate! But I'm just saying what if I'm alive by that time and in what felt like a few months turns out to be 6 years and the 720 is about to be launched!!! And I've invested 1000's in the 360.


I invested 1000s on my PS2, but now it doesn't even work. Though the games still due,[Games] which make up most of the spendings. It felt as it lasted for only a month or so, but I had to continue. Yes, indeed it felt as a short time period.

Everything has to come to an end, even if you don't want it to.


I am not worried, i think this generation will last for quite few years more, Sony have lost billions and they will try to keep PS3 around as long as possible (it wont be determined by them at the end). The 360 is doing extremely well, it did cost MS a lot to put it in 2nd place and create a brand in the World so with PS3 not doing that well they can stay around for longer then people expect.

And Nintendo wouldnt want to end their domination just like that, Wii will be around for ages.

For portables, that's a better question, New DS and PSP might be coming soon (2010?)

last gen should of never finished, it was the greatest gen ever! so many good games. this gen is the one that sucks, square enix have yet to release a game for the ps3, and thats just retarded.





deathgod33 said:
last gen should of never finished, it was the greatest gen ever! so many good games. this gen is the one that sucks, square enix have yet to release a game for the ps3, and thats just retarded.


 So true. Last gen kills this gen big time, unless you were a die-hard Nintendo or Microsoft fanboy.

deathgod33 said:
last gen should of never finished, it was the greatest gen ever! so many good games. this gen is the one that sucks, square enix have yet to release a game for the ps3, and thats just retarded.


 You can blame the "jump" to HD graphics.

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