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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ten Week Countdown 2008!

Massive week for Europe as well O_o


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skeezer said:
Massive week for Europe as well O_o

Poor Skeezer... this week is going to be horrible for you.

Last week you did well with the best Wii prediction (the only one higher than actual) and the second best X360 prediction.... but had the worst (by 2k) PS3 prediction.

This week you will have the worst Wii prediction easily, and the worst 360 prediction.... but in a tie with Veggie will have the best PS3 prediction.


Oh, and someone will have to put up the hardware figures when the other regions come in as they might do tonight, I have to get an early night.


TWRoO said:
skeezer said:
Massive week for Europe as well O_o

Poor Skeezer... this week is going to be horrible for you.

Last week you did well with the best Wii prediction (the only one higher than actual) and the second best X360 prediction.... but had the worst (by 2k) PS3 prediction.

This week you will have the worst Wii prediction easily, and the worst 360 prediction.... but in a tie with Veggie will have the best PS3 prediction.



Completely opposite of last week eh...*Crosses fingers*


Fucking A.

I killed myself. PS3 did horrible, 360 is doing great, and Wii is doing extraordinarily.

As I said before, bottom line is everyone is going to be way off for the 360 and PS3.

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Americas up.

Japan America Others Total
n/a 909,924 779,033 1,688,957
n/a 803,956 515,137 1,319,093
n/a 477,956 310,355 788,311
n/a 254,618 143,818 398,436
n/a 198,068 169,234 367,302

Looks like 360 won't make 800k.. which is good considering the highest prediction of ours was 550k.

PS3 will struggle to make 400k... which is bad considering te lowest prediction of ours is 500k

Wii will give BHR an almost spot on prediction for this week though.... likely within 5k.

Haha I give up ya know. Guess no one could have gotten 360 right all the way with how much its over performing and Wii well I just under estimated as usual. Still going off old trends for something that's setting them. And htne of course PS3 I should have known so that's jsut a mistake on my part.

@Zucas... you will do well for some things.... you do have the lowest sales for PS3 over the 10 weeks. Of course you also have lowest for Wii, and 2nd lowest for 360... so those won't help.

TWRoO said:
@Zucas... you will do well for some things.... you do have the lowest sales for PS3 over the 10 weeks. Of course you also have lowest for Wii, and 2nd lowest for 360... so those won't help.


Yea Wii and 360 its going to suck but will do better than the rest on PS3.  Ugh when 2009 edition comes around I'll put some more studies in ahha.

this is the only thread that makes me happy since im doing so good b/c ps3


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