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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ten Week Countdown 2008!

First is numbers for this week, then after is totals.


Wii -

1. BHR3 - 8 points

2. Oyvoyv - 6 points

2. DMJ - 6 points

2. Zucas - 6 points

5. TWRoO - 4 points

6. Skeezer - 3 points

7. Veggie - 2 points

7. Darth - 1 point



1. TWRoO - 8 points

2 . BHR 3 - 7 points

3. Veggie - 6 points

4 . Skeezer  - 5 points

5. Darth - 4 points

6. DMJ - 3 points

7. Zucas - 1.5 points

7. Oyvoyv - 1.5 point



1. Veggie - 8 points

2. Skeezer - 7 points

3 TWRoO - 5 points

3 Darth - 5 points

3. DMJ - 5 points

6. Oyvoyv - 3 points

7. BHR 3 - 2 points

8. Zucas - 1 point


Overall this week:

1. BHR3 - 17 points

2. TWRoO - 17 points

3. Veggie - 16 points

4. Skeezer - 15 points

5. DMJ - 14 points 

6. Oyvoyv - 10.5 points

7. Darth - 10 points

8. Zucas - 8.5 points




Wii -

1. BHR3 - 16 points (0 difference)

2. Oyvoyv - 12 points (+1)

3. Veggie - 10 points (-1)

4. TWRoO - 8.5 points (+1)

5. Skeezer - 7.5 points (-1)

5. DMJ - 7.5 points (+2)

5. Zucas - 7.5 points (+2)

8. Darth - 4 points (-2)



1. Veggie - 13.5 points  (0)

1. TWRoO - 13.5 points (+2)

3. Skeezer - 12.5 points (-2)

3. BHR 3 - 12.5 points (0)

5. Darth - 8 points (0)

6. DMJ - 5 points (+1)

7. Zucas - 4.5 points (-1)

8. Oyvoyv - 2.5 points  (0)



1. Veggie - 15 points (+1)

2. TWRoO - 12 points (-1)

2. Skeezer - 12 points (+1)

4. Zucas - 8 points (-3)

5. DMJ - 7.5 points (+1)

6. BHR 3 - 6 points (-1)

6. Darth - 6 point (+2)

8. Oyvoyv - 5.5 points (-2)



1. Veggie - 38.5 points (0)

2. BHR3 - 34.5 points (0)

3. TWRoO - 34 points (+1)

3. Skeezer - 32 points(-1)

5. Oyvoyv - 21 points (+1)

5. DMJ - 21 points (+3)

7. Zucas - 20 points (-2)

8. Darth - 18 points (-1)



So there is becomming a clear difference here. There are now 2 groups, and I think it will stick that way. A top group, and an idiot group. But hey, at least I'm leading my group :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Around the Network

Yes, you and Zucas had much poorer weeks than last week, so you went down 1 place to 4th behind BHR and Zucas down 1 place to 6th behind Darth.

My thoughts on next week:

Wii- Oyv, Veggie, Skeezer and BHR are in my expected range.

PS3- Looks like it will be between myself and BHR

360- hard to call given GeOW2 just releasing, BHR may be the only one in the runnings and would thus take the week, and probably move into 2nd or 3rd overall. Or X360 might make a decent increase again and bring myself, Veggie, Zucas and Skeezer into the running, all with 300k estimates.

Edit - Thanks Oyv.

Very interesting. Good work guys.

Veggie said:
Very interesting. Good work guys.


 You have more points than Zucas and DMeisterJ combined. No wonder you're happy.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The X360 totals don't seem to make sense (Zucas in 1st place with 8pts etc)

Also the same groups seem to be shown in my method, although you are still at the bottom of the lower group unfortunately, mostly due to a huge overestimation of the PS3 on both weeks, and some not-amazing X360 ones.

For the Wii you are under the weekly average on both weeks though, so you will be higher up when I add console specific tables for Wii, in fact you are 2nd best for Wii behind BHR.... it's just you are last for PS3, and I think 2nd to last for X360.

@above post... I think you meant Darth, not DMJ.

Around the Network

Yea, I meant Darth.

I fixed the things with the X360. My net has messed up, so I can only edit one of them at a time, then post. Otherwise I might lose the post, so I forgot to finish it there.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I will win next WEEK!!! I hope -_-


it's amazing how good i'm doing with the wii i never really put much effort into the baby wii system #'s i'm more into the ps360 battle thought ps3 would start out selling it by now

the 360 #'s really surprised me hopfully wen RFOM2 launches in PAL things will change & don't forget my prediction that US will get a 80gb bundle soon if that doesn't happen then they might be in trouble


                                                                      Play Me

I think BHR-3 has the best chance of being next weeks victor, but your Wii prediction looks sound for next week, and you could do well for X360, although sharing the glory with 3 others of us.

I'm loving my PS3 and 360 predictions and hating my Wii ones. PS3 and 360 are under performing and I've got the lowest predictions on both, aside from BHR on 360. But Wii is over performing and I got the lowest predictions as well.

Either way my sales by week predictions were more about the total at 10 weeks rather than week by week but still that doesn't seem to be working haha. Even with my low PS3 and 360 expectations, they still aren't low enough right now haha.