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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ten Week Countdown 2008!

CrazzyMan why do you even bother? is it for the LOL's? I wont bother refuting what you said because its a joke isn't it :)


Around the Network

would of done better if i knew how good 360 was doing in PAL
damn u 360 price cut


                                                                      Play Me

I don't think I'll do too hot next week. I have the Wii dropping 70k...

Veggie said:
I don't think I'll do too hot next week. I have the Wii dropping 70k...

I heavily overestimated the Ps3 and X360. Looks like I'm going to end in the bottom 3 for those through all December.


I think my Wii one, which is the one I put the most time into, is the best one by far.


Anyway, you're currently ranked as the best predictor on VGChartz, Veggie

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

WW numbers.

Japan America Others Total
177,934 160,671 271,815 610,420
25,330 275,772 185,307 486,409
7,073 83,166 107,885 198,124
33,843 65,847 92,539 192,229
49,529 58,454 65,234 173,217

DS is a beast, and I thought the adjustments would make my X360 figure too low, but it seems ok.

May I ask what scoring method you used Oyv... I may just make my own up but I'd like to know how you got those numbers in case I want to steal your method.

Around the Network
CrazzyMan said:
3 mln. in Japan + USA.
3 mln. in Europe.
Overall over 14 mln. LTD this year or around 23-24 mln.

so they are gonna sell more than they will ship?

i see..


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


TWRoO said:

WW numbers.

  Japan America Others Total
177,934 160,671 271,815 610,420
25,330 275,772 185,307 486,409
7,073 83,166 107,885 198,124
33,843 65,847 92,539 192,229
49,529 58,454 65,234 173,217

DS is a beast, and I thought the adjustments would make my X360 figure too low, but it seems ok.

May I ask what scoring method you used Oyv... I may just make my own up but I'd like to know how you got those numbers in case I want to steal your method.

I used the Mario Kart method.

1st gets 8 points

2nd 7

3rd 6


7th 2

8th 1


If some are tied, they both get the sum that's in the middle.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oh... which Mario Kart is that? because 64 had 9, 6, 3 and 1 point for the top 4, Double Dash had 12 for top spot, and Wii has 15.
Edit... Ah you meant the Mario Kart league Ben set up.

Anyhow... I was going to do a score based on accuracy, if you like though you could run your method alongside mine and see what changes.

Basically I am working out the discrepancy between the predictions and the actual numbers, and then awarding points for each %age point over ....which means the lowest score wins like in golf (0% discrepancy is 100% accurate)

Does that sound fair?

   Console Specific Scoreboards   

Wii scoreboard TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3
week 1
7 14 3 0 17 17 7 0
week 2 18 22 14 20 14 14 19 6
week 3 13 25 0 0 17 17 4 7
week 4 17 34 22 17 29 29 7 17
week 5 23 7 13 26 26 23 38 1
week 6 6 10 2 6 1 15 23 18
week 7 1 12 10 12 4 4 28 1
week 8 19 35 26 7 14 22 11 3
week 9 26 10 23 30 59 8 17 34
week 10 34 1 14 21 41 12 41 5
Total score 164pts


127pts 139pts 222pts 161pts 205pts 92pts


PS3 scoreboard TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3
week 1 6 9 56 4 40 17 4 6
week 2 5 43 67 14 57 67 37 9
week 3 33 47 90 42 66 66 46 18
week 4 45 87 87 37 66 56 88 45
week 5 29 26 36 24 41 36 24 39
week 6 57 85 85 45 71 42 68 42
week 7 68 73 80 44 68 32 70 68
week 8 81 52 52 52 43 62 57 90
week 9 60 103 60 92 82 7 98 31
week 10 53 130 110 53 110 53 99 22
Total score 437pts 655pts 723pts 407pts 644pts 438pts 592pts 370pts


360 scoreboard TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3
week 1 0 36 26 0 26 0 5 11
week 2 17 17 21 9 17 37 13 25
week 3 7 25 32 7 18 7 7 0
week 4 31 19 1 31 19 19 2 16
week 5 31 40 40 40 35 37 43 30
week 6 22 22 16 22 11 30 19 25
week 7 18 18 18 12 16 25 9 18
week 8 8 30 22 24 25 14 21 24
week 9 1 10 15 1 0 36 1 29
week 10 2 12 63 12 29 12 16 23
Total score 137pts 229pts 254pts 158pts 196pts 217pts 136pts 201pts


TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3
week 1 13 59 85 4 83 34 16 17
week 2 40 82 102 43 88 118 69 40
week 3 53 97 122 49 101 90 57 25
week 4 93 140 110 85 114 104 97 78
week 5 83 73 89 90 102 96 105 70
week 6 85 117 103 73 83 87 110 85
week 7 87 103 108 68 88 61 107 87
week 8 108 117 100 83 82 98 89 117
week 9 87 123 98 123 141 51 116 94
week 10 89 143 187 86 180 77 156 50
Total score 738pts 1054pts 1104pts 704pts 1062pts 816pts 922pts 663pts


Re-posted on this new page for clarity (and I will use this post as a store for the complete totals, the OP will only house the last couple of weeks, otherwise I will end up with massive first posts with too many tables)

  "Original VGC" Weekly Discrepancy Tables  

Week 1
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -7.5% -14.7% -3.4% +0.7% -17.8% -17.8% -7.5% -0.3% +/-8.71%
PS3 discrepancy -6.4% +9.2% +56.1% +4.0% +40.5% +17.0% +4.0% -6.4% +/-17.95%
360 discrepancy +0.9% +36.3% +26.2% +0.9% +26.2% +0.9% +6.0% -11.7% +/-13.64%
Score (W+P+X) 7+6+0 14+9+36 3+56+26 0+4+0 17+40+26 17+17+0 7+4+5 0+6+11
Total score 13pts 59pts 85pts 4pts 83pts 34pts 16pts 17pts
Week 2
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -18.5% -22.2% -14.7% -20.4% -14.7% -14.7% -19.0% -6.1% +/-16.29%
PS3 discrepancy +5.1% +43.4% +67.3% +14.7% +57.7% +67.3% +37.6% +9.9% +/-37.88%
360 discrepancy +17.5% +17.5% +21.4% -9.9% +17.5% +37.1% -13.9% -25.6% +/-20.05%
Score (W+P+X) 18+5+17 22+43+17 14+67+21 20+14+9 14+57+17 14+67+37 19+37+13 6+9+25
Total score 40pts 82pts 102pts 43pts 88pts 118pts 69pts 40pts
Week 3
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -13.8% -25.4% -0.6% -0.6% -17.1% -17.1% -4.7% -7.2% +/-10.81%
PS3 discrepancy +33.1% +47.3% +90.1% +42.6% +66.3% +66.3% +46.9% +18.8% +/-51.43%
360 discrepancy +7.3% +25.2% +32.4% -7.3% +18.1% +7.3% -7.3% -0.2% +/-13.14%
Score (W+P+X) 13+33+7 25+47+25 0+90+32 0+42+7 17+66+18 17+66+7 4+46+7 7+18+0
Total score 53pts 97pts 122pts 49pts 101pts 90pts 57pts 25pts
Week 4
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -17.2% -34.4% -22.3% -17.2% -29.9% -29.9% +7.2% -17.2% +/-21.91%
PS3 discrepancy +45.7% +87.4% +87.4% +37.4% +66.5% +56.1% +88.2% +45.7% +/-64.30%
360 discrepancy +31.1% +19.7% +1.3% -31.1% +19.7% +19.7% -2.4% -16.2% +/-17.65%
Score (W+P+X) 17+45+31 34+87+19 22+87+1 17+37+31 29+66+19 29+56+19 7+88+2 17+45+16
Total score 93pts 140pts 110pts 85pts 114pts 104pts 97pts 78pts
Week 5
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -23.1% +7.7% +13.5% -26.8% -26.8% -23.1% -38.4% -1.1% +/-20.06%
PS3 discrepancy +29.1% +26.7% +36.6% +24.2% +41.6% +36.6% +24.2% +39.1% +/-32.26%
360 discrepancy -31.3% -40.0% -40.0% -40.0% -35.0% -37.5% -43.8% -30.6% +/-37.28%
Score (W+P+X) 23+29+31 7+26+40 13+36+40


26+41+35 23+36+37 38+24+43 1+39+30
Total score 83pts 73pts 89pts 90pts 102pts 96pts 105pts 70pts
Week 6
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -6.7% -10.9% -2.4% -6.7% +1.8% -15.2% -23.2% +18.8% +/-10.71%
PS3 discrepancy +57.2% +85.7% +85.7% +45.7% +71.5% +42.8% +68.6% +42.8% +/-62.50%
360 discrepancy -22.6% -22.6% -16.4% -22.6% -11.7% -30.3% -19.5% -25.7% +/-21.41%
Score (W+P+X) 6+57+22 10+85+22 2+85+16


1+71+11 15+42+30 23+68+19 18+42+25
Total score 85pts 117pts 103pts 73pts 83pts 87pts 110pts 85pts
Week 7
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -1.9% -12.1% -10.7% -12.1% +4.8% +4.8% -29.0% +1.4% +/-9.60%
PS3 discrepancy +68.4% +73.2% +80.4% +44.3% +68.4% +32.3% +70.8% +68.4% +/-63.28%
360 discrepancy -18.9% -18.9% -18.9% -12.2% -16.2% -25.7% -9.4% -18.9% +/-17.39%
Score (W+P+X) 1+68+18 12+73+18 10+80+18


4+68+16 4+32+25 28+70+9 1+68+18
Total score 87pts 103pts 108pts 68pts 88pts 61pts 107pts 87pts
Week 8
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy +19.7% +36.0% +26.2% -7.5% +14.2% +22.4% +11.5% +3.9% +/-17.68%
PS3 discrepancy +81.2% +52.6% +52.6% +52.6% +43.0% +62.1% +57.3% +90.7% +/-61.51%
360 discrepancy -8.8% -30.3% -22.7% -24.9% -26.0% -14.2% -22.0% -24.9% +/-21.73%
Score (W+P+X) 19+81+8 35+52+30 26+52+22


14+43+25 22+62+14 11+57+21 3+90+24
Total score 108pts 117pts 100pts 83pts 82pts 98pts 89pts 117pts
Week 9
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy +27.0% +10.7% +23.7% +30.2% +59.5% -8.8% +17.2% -34.9% +/-26.50%
PS3 discrepancy +60.7% +103.5% +60.7% +92.8% +82.1% +7.1% +98.1% +31.7% +/-67.09%
360 discrepancy +1.9% -10.8% -15.9% +1.9% -0.6% -36.3% +1.9% -29.9% +/-12.40%
Score (W+P+X) 26+60+1 10+103+10 23+60+15


59+82+0 8+7+36 17+98+1 34+31+29
Total score 87pts 123pts 98pts 123pts 141pts 51pts 116pts 94pts
Week 10
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy +34.9% +1.9% +14.7% +21.4% +41.7% -12.3% +41.7% -5.6% +/-21.78%
PS3 discrepancy +53.3% +130.0% +110.8% +53.3% +110.8% +53.3% +99.3% +22.7% +/-79.19%
360 discrepancy +2.3% -12.3% +63.7% -12.3% -29.8% -12.3% +17.0% -24.0% +/-21.71%
Score (W+P+X) 34+53+2 1+130+12 14+110+63


41+110+29 12+53+12 41+99+16 5+22+23
Total score 89pts 143pts 187pts 86pts 180pts 77pts 156pts 50pts


  Overall Discrepancy so far  

This table shows the cumulative results with a seperate set of scores relating to cumulative predictions, so should you over-predict a console by 10k one week, and under-predict by 10k the next week, the prediction for bothweeks together will work out ok.
The last line is a total of all three consoles together, but I have not made scores for this as one could predict huge sales for one console and really low for the others, yet still get a good score on that basis.

Weeks 1-7
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3
Cumulative Wii
(actual = 6,910,220)
5,650k 5,610k 6,150k 5,560k 5,650k 5,500k 5,111k 6,440k
Wii discrepancy -18.2% -18.8%


-19.5% -18.2% -20.4% -26.0% -6.8%
Cumulative PS3
(actual - 1,983,570)
2,800k 3,150k 3,450k 2,680k 3,220k 2,900k 3,049k 2,770k
PS3 discrepancy -41.2% +58.8% +73.9% +35.1% +62.3% +46.2% +53.7% +39.6%
Cumulative 360
(actual = 3,416,421)
2,750k 2,850k 2,980k 2,660k 2,940k 2,700k 2,795k 2,645k
360 discrepancy -19.5% -16.6% -12.8% -22.1% -13.9% -30.0% -18.2% -22.6%
Score (W+P+X) 18+41+19 18+58+16 11+73+12 19+35+22 18+62+13 20+46+29 26+53+18 6+39+22
Total score 78pts 92pts 96pts 76pts 93pts 95pts 97pts 67pts
Cumulative Total
(actual = 12,310,211)
11,200k 11,610k 12,580k 10,900k 11,810k 11,100k 10,955k 11,855k