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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Old Games That Demand Sequels

Legand of Dragoon, Bump and Jump, Beserk, River Raid,Vangard, Colony Wars

This hand of mine is burning red. It's loud cry is telling me to grasp victory.....SEKIHA TENKYOKEN!!!

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Burger Time, the Data East coin op and surprise Intellivision arcade translation that actually worked.

The proper sequel -- Pizza Time -- never made it. Diner, a great game for Intellivision among the post-crash releases, was done. But it would have been fun to see Pizza Time.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


UN Squadron

although that was made by Capcom

Conker's Bad Fur day.... I miss playing that game on the N64... it was so much fun.

Malachi said:
celine said:
mrstickball said:
  • Actraiser (Quintet)
  • Terranigma Series (Quintet)

You are my hero ( fixed the spelling )



Hell, any game made by Quintet on the SNES deserve a sequel. Yes, Robotrek too.



 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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Spacequest. The world needs Roger Wilco to return

Im surprised no one mentioned Gunstar Heroes and Gain Ground yet also rocket knight adventures and Blaster Master

most of what id like has already been mentioned though

Herzog Zwei
Streets of Rage
Star Control 2

* adding Chaos Overlords as i played it with my friends for hours on end, we still play it once in a while, great game

CaptDS9E said:
Spacequest. The world needs Roger Wilco to return


 LOL I loved the Space Quest games. I'd like to see the adventure genre return. Monkey Island, Manic Mansion, Full Throttle, Ect.


ChichiriMuyo said:
15 years is too restrictive, it causes Alpha Centauri to be left out and there's no excuse for that. That said, I'd love to see a new Aerobiz and Bushido Blade.


Yeah if we're going to start breaking the 15 year rule then I agree re Alpha centauri anyway (never played the other 2). Is it 9 years now since that came out?

More on topic - hardly anyone seems to remember Fragile Allegiance these days (great 4X space strat game fron 1996). It's not been 15 years but the developer is long defunct and gone.

Oh and @Arcturus - it makes no difference that it's not quite been 15 years yet for Duke Nukem 3D since we both know Duke Nukem Forever still won't have been released by the time it IS 15 years! We're just staking our claim on this one in case the thread's still going...


Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 3308-4850-9342 / STEAM ID: makepeacefox

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

"Watchmen" is far better than The Dark Knight / Why does no-one own this wonderful game: Fragile Allegiance? / Speak (Type) Italian to me!

Disloyal member of the LFGM

I want:

- Phantasy Star 5
- Wonder Boy 6 / Monster World 5
- a new Aleste
- a new Golden Axe (because I do not count Beast Rider)