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Forums - General Discussion - Have you ever been arrested?

My son asked me this question yesterday.

I've never been arrested but came close twice.

1.  In college, me and my buddies broke into a cemetery on Halloween at 11:00 p.m. blasting "Thriller"!  when we jumped over the fence to go home, there were at least three police cars waiting for us.  was handcuffed but not arrested.

2.  Was making out with my girlfriend at a local park and a police interrupted us.  He asked for my i.d. and I was stupid enough to ask why.  He then handcuffed me and told me that he was gonna beat me up for having a bad attitude.  But he didn't arrest me.  i think he was trying to scare me, and it worked.


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Um... Yes. Amazing it only happened once, really.

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-technically, you WERE arrested, Coca-cola. You just weren't CHARGED. Any time an officer restrains or restricts you movement or impedes your freedom, you are arrested. You just didn't go to jail!

.....and that's your lesson for the day. Now, back to poop/boob/masturbation humor!

Fuckin' cop...

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nope, never, ive never even broken the law, although there are a number of laws that i disagree with

@ rocketpig


Nope, can't say that I have. I want to keep it that way too.

I insulted some cops once, it wasn't a big deal imo, they thought differently...
crazy bastards

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

d21lewis said:
-technically, you WERE arrested, Coca-cola. You just weren't CHARGED. Any time an officer restrains or restricts you movement or impedes your freedom, you are arrested. You just didn't go to jail!

.....and that's your lesson for the day. Now, back to poop/boob/masturbation humor!


I better tell my son that I was arrested, just never charged.