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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Damn, buying a handheld never been so hard, PSP 3000 or DS Lite.


hehe... what a short list.

This is a list of some of the DS RPGs... THIS IS NOT THE COMPLETE LIST... if anyone has any other announced title, just tell me to add it to the list.

Sorry but, that title belongs to the DS this gen.

It has a lot of support from Square Enix, Atlus, Nippon Ichi NIS, Mistwalker... heck, even Rare and Microsoft (Age of Empires and the recently announced Age of Empires: Mythologies).

Besides, it has The World Ends With You, one of the best original titles that Square has created.

And dont forget the new Dragon Quest remakes, plus, the brand new Dragon Quest IX

And check this new article in IGN about the 5 upcoming titles from NIS Nippon

Oh, and PLEASE, check this new game: RIZ-ZOAWD, its a Wizard of Oz RPG

Also, it has BioWare support. Sonic Chronicles is looking very good

ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Avalon Code
Blue Dragon DS
Children of Mana
Deep Labyrinth
Digimon Story
Digimon Story Moonlight
Digimon Story Sunburst
Digimon World DS
Digimon World: Dawn
Digimon World: Dusk
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
Dungeon Explorer
Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts
Etrian Odyssey
Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy
Heroes of Mana
Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel
Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
Izuna: The Legend of the Ninja
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Lost in Blue 3
Lost Magic
Luminous Arc 2: Will
Lunar Genesis
Lunar: Dragon Song
Magical Starsign
Maple Story DS
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Mazes of Fate DS
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker x Ninja
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker x Saurian
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
Mega Man Star Force: Leo
Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus
Metal Saga
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
Naruto RPG 2: Chidori vs. Rasengan
Naruto RPG 3: Reijuu vs Konoha Shoutai
Naruto: Path of the Ninja
Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2
Orcs & Elves
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time
Pokemon Pearl
Pokemon Platinum
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger: Batonnage)
Rune Factory
Rune Factory 2
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon
Sigma Harmonics
Soma Bringer
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Spectral Force Genesis
Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals
Summon Night
Summon Night 2
Summon Night: Twin Age
Tales of Innocence
Tales of the Tempest
Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal
Valkyrie Profile
Vandal Hearts
World Ends With You
Xenosaga I & II

And this is just a small portion. If your PC can handle too much awesomenes, look this website:

And tactical RPG's works very good with the stylus.

Every week there is at least a new RPG announced.

And also, Chrono Trigger DS, Disgaea DS, Dragon Quest IV, V, VI and the brand new, the next main game Dragon Quest IX... the new mothership title Tales of Hearts...

Plus, the recently announced games by Level 5 with Studio Gihbli.

And the recently announced Mario and Lugi RPG sequel.

Or the new Phantasy Star 0.

And don't forget the amazing first party games.

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Play B3yond

since you have wii - ds will be perfect for you.

if you can buy hd console or ps2 buy one since psp games are mostly a worse versions of games from those consoles.
buy cheap psp when psp2 will be shown - before that you will get bored really fast with sonys handheld and you will probably regret that you've spend so much on it.

Since your in college, I would choose PSP.

PSP will do you more wonders in terms of capabilities.

DS for the games hands down. The only problem with the DS is that you have so many games. You probably won't end up doing well in your studies. I honestly don't think of this as a negative problem, but more of a positive problem.

If you want capabilites PSP is your way to go, if you want games DS is your way to go.

Both are great systems, but the DS definitely has the larger game library.

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Rhonin the wizard said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Falcon095 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
PSP has Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core FFVII as well as God of War COO. All Exclusive to the PSP...

DS has...Pokemon... LOL! its your call.


 Yeah right, DS has Pokemon and Dragon Quest IX as well as Chrono Trigger. All Exclusive to the DS...

PSP has.. Crisis Core.. LOL! it's you call.

You see what i did there?

On a serious note, don't pay attention to these kind of biased posts, you should look at the games that you could buy so you can have an idea, i have seen a lot of RPG's announcement for the DS in the last months (don't know for the PSP though) so i can tell that if you like RPG's you will be pleased with it.

Ah, and your post was so "Not Biased" lulz. /sarcasm

Anyway yeah, Crisis Core Graphics >>>>>> Dragon Quest IX Graphics.

And i did say "Its Your Call" so your post made no sense whats so ever. :P


He never mentioned graphics, so why are you bringing it up?

The DS has more RPGs than the PSP.


 And your point is? RPG's are NOT everything ya know, there one of the best alot of us would agree on that but not everything no, no, no not by a longshot friend.

And im just pointing out if the TC likes his RPG's With Pretty graphics the PSP is the only choice since the DS's graphics are on par with a Nintendo 64 lol! while the PSP is nearly if not on par with the PS2, unless you think the 64 had better graphics then the PS2 i think you have some issues man, that or your a NF...


 So your fanboy vision ain't let to see the sarcasm right? lol

He said that he prefer RPG's, did you even read the thread? OH! you are already banned so it doesn't have sense to argue with you.

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Easy, DS, so many more games.

I definitely recommend the DS. I can't even remember the last time I turned on my PSP.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Thanks for the input in this topic, i've made my mind, ill go against my previous plans and ill get a DS Lite 2moro (probably cause it a bit cheaper as well, and i found my Ipod i thought i lost on hilidays), im gonna trade in few GC games and those PSP games i got to lower the price. First games ill get will be Zelda, FF IV and if i can find it in a shop, world ends with you.

Lolcislaw said:
Thanks for the input in this topic, i've made my mind, ill go against my previous plans and ill get a DS Lite 2moro (probably cause it a bit cheaper as well, and i found my Ipod i found i lost on hilidays), im gonna trade in few GC games and those PSP games i got to lower the price. First games ill get will be Zelda, FF IV and if i can find it in a shop, world ends with you.

Nice to see you choose the right gaming handheld.