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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Hey SEGA and RARE fans

Did the death of the Dreamcast convince of you to buy an Xbox/360?  Did Microsoft buying RARE convinve you to buy an Xbox/360?

I'm just curious.  I did buy a 360 for Kameo..

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Absolutely not. The crap that Rare has pushed out in recent years did nothing but hurt my desire to buy a 360. They have yet to release a single title that I would even want to play, let alone one I would actually want to buy. Microsoft should have closed them out rather than Ensemble.

I don't know why the death of the Dreamcast would convince anyone to buy a 360 though. Admittedly it does seem to be gathering all the great fighters of the system onto XBLA so it might have some appeal there. That is a relatively recent phenomenon though.

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Neither actually...I typically buy all systems in any given generation, it's just the order that differs. This gen the 360 was out and had Gears coming, so I picked it up first. 3 years later it's managed to keep me quite entertained so I haven't felt the need to pick up a PS3 or Wii (yet!!). I am sure, I will eventually though.

Rare being on the 360 was the proverbial icing on the cake (so to speak).

Neither reason, albeit I have a launch dreamcast and enjoy rare games =)

I was about to shell out 250€ for a new vidcard and told myself fuck pc gaming and mandatory hardware upgrades. Bought a 360, december 2005.

Two years later I replaced my obnoxious pc box with a 24" iMac.

These days I game on my 360, everything else on the computer (ok, I do play diablo from time to time =D).

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

SmokedHostage said:

Did the death of the Dreamcast convince of you to buy an Xbox/360? 



And I simply hate the Playstation. And the Wii.

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I always planned on getting a 360 but the day it was announced that Devil may cry 4 was going multiplatform was the day i took the plunge and bought one.......... I like GTA (Its on 360), I like Resident evil (Its on 360) I like Smackdown v Raw, Fifa and Pro evo soccer (They're on 360)

I never really liked Gran turismo (Im more of a Metropolis Street Racer/PGR fan)

That leaves Metal gear solid 4 and Perhaps God of war 3 as the ONLY reasons i would ever pick up a ps3 now (2nd hand of course if i get one)

I'm Segas biggest fan (Or one of the biggest) And the 360 is giving me everything i need right now like Virtua tennis 3 and Virtua fighter 5 (Both of which have online multiplayer on 360 but DON'T have multiplayer on ps3)

In a way the Dreamcast lives on through the 360 with GREAT games available on XBLA like Soul calibur, Ikaruga and REZ HD

I loved my Megadrive/Genesis and that also lives on with games like Streets of rage 2, Sonic 1 & 2 and Golden axe all been available for XBLA (And most of them having online multiplayer too)

And of course Banjo and kazooie coming tro XBLA is a big bonus and all i need now are Goldeneye, Origional N64 version of Perfect dark and Either Killer instinct 3 or Origional N64 Killer instinct and i'll be chuffed to bits

And lastly I'm a Halo and Gears of war fan................

Oh, And i have never made any secret of my dislike for sony so obviously thats another reason i went with microsoft aswell

Long live Sega, Long Live Nintendo , Long live RARE and Long live microsoft

Down with Sony.......................

Of course not. Rare games suck nowaday. My gf is enjoying Viva Pinata but it's not for me. I'll try BK T&B but my expectations are really low.

I bought my 360 for much better games.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Dreamcast's death didn't convince me to buy any consoles. I bought a Gamecube but that's because I'm always a Nintendo fan, and of course I was a big Sega fan back then too. (Mario and Sonic were my favorite franchises. Well...Mario is still is, but not Sonic anymore sadly D:)

Although, I was completely oblivious of the Dreamcast's death til around 2002.

Dreamcast had no effect on me. Was never going to get the Sega console (Nintendo runs through my blood). I got an Xbox but only because of Splinter Cell. This gen I was going to get a 360 for RE5 if Capcom doesn't announce a new Resident Evil game for Wii (and not on rails like Umbrella Chronicles). But seems like I may have to get a PS3 for a reason totally unrelated to gaming (or blu ray) so if there is no new RE Wii game I will just get RE5 on PS3. Which means no Microsoft console for me this gen. Rare games are now crap so no reason for me to get a 360 cause of that. Same goes for Silicon Knights (at least that's what Too Human suggests)

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Do you mean an Xbox? I don't see how the death of the Dreamcast could make someone want to buy a 360 since there is a four and a half year gap between the death of DC and the birth of the 360. I will say though the death of the Dreamcast did turn me away from games for a number of years. I barely played a handful of games between 2001 and 2005 when I started gaming for real again. It was Resident Evil 4 that brought me back.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.