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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sept Software Sales (US)

Groucho said:
Quick, someone call the Nintendo fanboy fire dept! All is not perfect in Wii-land! Spin the Wii's low attach rate into something that looks better than the other consoles! =)


I agree. People are using correct facts to back up their claims. How can they?

Who is spinning? Seriously? Read the posts, and tell me what's spin and what's not.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Opinions are worthless unless backed up by research. Don't bother with the cop out "but its my opinion!" because no-one cares. Its a cop out and weakens whatever pitiful argument your attempting to mount because your hiding behind it as an opinion. No-one cares. Either be prepared to argue your point or don't open your mouth at all.