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Forums - General Discussion - Altered Obama photo in GOP club newsletter sparks outrage

I'm going to explain the stereotypes to the best of my knowledge. Don't kill me anyone.

Fried Chicken:

-Courtesy of Wikipedia-

"Whichever way it was introduced to the American South, fried chicken became a common staple. Later, as Africans were brought to work on southern plantations, the slaves who became cooks incorporated seasonings and spices that were absent in traditional Scottish cuisine, enriching the flavor. Since most slaves were unable to raise expensive meats, but generally allowed to keep chickens, frying chicken as a special occasion spread through the African American communities of the South. It endured the fall of slavery and gradually passed into a general Southern dish. Since fried chicken could keep for several days more than other preparations and traveled well in hot weather before refrigeration was commonplace, it gained further favor in the periods of American history when segregation closed off most restaurants to the black population. Fried chicken continues to dominate as this region’s selection for "Sunday dinner," among both blacks and whites. Holidays such as Independence Day and other gatherings often feature this dish."

Watermelon: If you've spent all day working on a plantation with boiling hot southern weather, wouldn't you enjoy a cool, moist watermelon? The crop also originated in southern Africa if that counts...

Ribs: Going back once again to the early 1800s, the slave owners generally ate the good parts of the meat (whether it be beef, pork, etc). The slaves were forced to eat the less appealing parts of the animals, and I guess back then, the ribs were considered far less appealing than the other parts of the animal.

Kool-aid: Uhhhhhh, I don't know? It's cheap and tastes okay. Really have no clue on that one.



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Good Lord, that's one of the most racist things I've ever seen, and I'm from a very white section of Texas. Has Pat Buchanan come out to support this yet?

sad, poor taste. it would have been funny if they had just stuck to the food stamps (playing off Obama's socialistic ideas) it got stupid once they threw the racial jokes in there.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

LOL, that is hilarious and absolutely terrible. Rather I should say if Dave Chappelle put that on his show as a joke it would be hilarious, but sense it's a white republican lady did it as a deliberate attack it's quite terrible. I mean honestly, common sense people. I didn't think it was bad until I noticed the foods included.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I don't know if that was meant as a racial jab at Obama or a jab at the fact that is what food stamp users would eat, i.e. black people are poor.

I'm actually at a loss of words that something so obviously racist is actually something sent out from behind closed doors.

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The_vagabond7 said:
LOL, that is hilarious and absolutely terrible. Rather I should say if Dave Chappelle put that on his show as a joke it would be hilarious, but sense it's a white republican lady did it as a deliberate attack it's quite terrible. I mean honestly, common sense people. I didn't think it was bad until I noticed the foods included.


 agree with that, If that had some on Chapelles show I would be rolling on the floor. Not funny since it is meant as an attack.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

KFC and watermelons, thats the most racist thing Ive seen in a while.

B-b-but... I love Kool-aid!

Denies racism? Yeah right, give me a break.

ROFL... Yeah, that's not racist. Hey, I love a good fried chicken and watermelon joke as much as the next guy but that's just lame. And it's even lamer to pass it off by saying that everybody eats those foods.

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