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Forums - General Discussion - Altered Obama photo in GOP club newsletter sparks outrage

Illustration shows the candidate's head on donkey's body on a bogus $10 bill that says 'Food Stamps.' Leader of the Upland women's group denies racism, but a state party official decries the image.
By David Kelly, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 17, 2008
A Republican women's club in San Bernardino County sent out a recent newsletter with a photo of Barack Obama surrounded by fried chicken, watermelon and ribs, sparking widespread outrage and rebuke from GOP leaders and Democrats.

The illustration shows the Democratic presidential candidate's head atop a donkey's body on a bogus $10 bill referred to as "Obama Bucks." Inscribed on the money are the words "United States Food Stamps" surrounded by stereotypical African American food.

The October newsletter went out to about 200 members of the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated, based in Upland.

"I apologize to anyone who was offended because that was not my intent," said club President Diane Fedele. "It was poor judgment on my part. It was strictly an attempt to point out the outrageousness of Obama's statement that he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

The caption reads: "Obama talks about all those presidents that got their names on bills. If elected, what bill would he be on ????? Food Stamps, what else!"

Oi Vei!,0,3195342.story

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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I don't know what's more offensive, the blatant racism, or the comparison with Disney Bucks.

The state of this country is sad... I even heard an Obama support was thinking about getting a shirt that said "I voted for an *N-word"

When will people learn?

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Wow this is fucking horrible!

The use of watermelon, ribs and fried chicken was innocent, she said.

"Everyone eats those foods, it's not a racial thing."

That's not how club member Acquanetta Warren -- a Fontana city councilwoman and an African American -- saw it.

"My daughter who is 16 was standing over my shoulder when I opened the e-mail, and her mouth dropped wide open," Warren said. "I actually turned the screen away and sent her to her room so she wouldn't see. I don't want to talk to anyone; I want a written apology so the public knows that this is not right and this is not representative of the way Republicans think."

Some highlights from:

"Assembly Minority Leader Mike Villines, R-Clovis, called Raines to praise her and tell her Assembly Republicans are behind her, Raines said. "


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Could someone explain the whole fried chicken and water melon thing to me? It honestly doesn't make a whole of sense. =/

It's a stereotype about American black people.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

You ever seen the episode of Cowboy Bebop where they all eat mushrooms? It's also spoofing American blaxploitation movies of the 70's, so everybody has an afro and they're all buying watermelons and the soundtrack is all funkier than usual.

If you're a white racist in the U.S., you assume that African Americans only eat watermelons and fried chicken. I don't know how it started, but it's definitely racist, and there's no way this person innocently decided on those foods. I'd like to see one joke in America about a white person eating watermelon and fried chicken.

I'm Jewish, you don't see me eating a pastrami on rye... oh wait.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

the only thing left was to write in the nigga we trust, other then that it was perfect

wow congratulates GOP good job