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Forums - General Discussion - The sad state of the US people.

If McCain gets elected President, within 3 years Palin will be the US President. Assuming McCain falls of his perch (dies). Palin = President. Scary thought.

Hollywood actor: Matt Damon is flipping out over the idea of Palin as President of USA.

World nations would laugh at America if it has the ignorant, uneducated Palin as President.

McCain looks old at 72. He would be oldest President ever of USA if elected only Regan was the oldest at 71.

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Kratos, I don't think that is an appropriate way to talk about it. McCain (who some keep insisting will grow ill) or Obama (who some insist will have attempts on his life) will be president, and expecting there death is not a good thing.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Sad state of the US and world economy will be the most telling issue in regards to electing the next US President.
Time for change by voting in Democrat - Obama.
Stick with the Republicans who have failed for 8 years under the leadership of George W. Bush. McCain has supported Bush on most issues.

Kratos3000 said:
Sad state of the US and world economy will be the most telling issue in regards to electing the next US President.
Time for change by voting in Democrat - Obama.
Stick with the Republicans who have failed for 8 years under the leadership of George W. Bush. McCain has supported Bush on most issues.

Yes... lets vote one sided... that is what got us in this kind of crap... we were doing fine with an even government.  I think laws should be passed so that not single party can ever have a majority that would allow them to dominate the other party.  If there is one man who will stand and block their way that one man should stand and block their way.  The democratic party is not the answer they are part of the answer... I'm so tired of partisan asshats like Obama and GW... people like that don't deserve to have power and should be put down... or at least not be allowed to pass making burgers and the local joint.  I think most people are in the middle and McCain (though falted as he is) is a man who sits in the middle.


With the way he's doing in the polls, I think if McCain wins he'll be so pleasantly surprised he'll have a stroke and we'll actually inaugurate Palin.

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Cueil, as party leader, McCain has been running a horrible campaign and running that party into the ground.

He's lost control of his running mate as she degrades him, by constantly undermining his decisions, his opponent, by claiming ties to terrorists, and the voters, by her claims of pro-American and anti-American places.

He refuses to denounce the behavior of the people who use racists and inflammatory images and rhetoric.

He has proven in the primaries and the general election, that he is willing to say different things at different times in order to get elected to a degree far beyond any other modern politician.

McCain changes his strategy every week, flailing aimlessly, lost in his way.

He appears to be an angry, bitter man who refuses to show respect to anyone who disagrees with him.

Just because he claims to disagree with everyone doesn't make him a potentially effective president; especially, since in reality votes squarely in line with Republicans.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

wasn't warren buffet upset last year because all he paid was 17%? What is all this about "the lowest it has ever been was 27"?

theprof00 said:
wasn't warren buffet upset last year because all he paid was 17%? What is all this about "the lowest it has ever been was 27"?


 Warren Buffet doesnt have taxable income, he lives off his earnings and assets. That means the only tax he pays are capital gains and sales.

If Buffet did have taxable income he would pay the higher tax rate.


Check out the VGC Crunch this Podcast and Blog at

oh. well regardless of "taxable income" i think his point was that the richest 1% are making more than us and yet pay much less percentage than others.

I will make my points after reading through a lot of back and forth and some wild tangents into gun control.

1) I am all for the rich paying higher taxes, however, it is what is done with those increased taxes I object to. 40% (if I remember correctly) of the US population pay $0 in income taxes. The increase on the top 5% will be used to rebate those that pay nothing. Therefore directly taking money from the "rich" and giving it to the poor. That isn't the same as the rich paying more for infrastructure or national defense. That is paying people to exist. My wife earned her law degree and I earned my MBA, so we both are well off in life, but we made ourselves what we are. Please don't assume I just fell into money, or cheated my way to properity. Also, the truely rich don't pay income taxes, they earn their income through stock options which are a seperate tax issue and more complex. If you raise taxes on stocks then you adversely effect many middle class Americans 401ks, but that is a seperate issue.

My tax plan for those that care would be similar to this:

0 to 25k 0%
25k to 75k 15%
75k to 250 25%
>250k 35%

Then increase tax on annual dividend yields of greater than 100k from 18% to 35%. This will finally tax the rich, but protect 401k's.

But I would not give people money from tax payers just to exist.

Link with info:

2) National Health Care: Why should I pay the same, or more, through taxes for health care as someone who decides to smoke? or drink, or do drugs, or over eat? I take care of my health so I don't have huge health expenses, if others would do the same I would be a much stronger supporter of national health care.

3) That being said, once again we are forced to choose between the greater of two poor choices. We desperately need a 3rd or even a 4th party, to force consensus, not majority party rule with an iron fist. A super majority from either party scares me.  I think our nation is at its best when neither party controls all 3 branches of government.  How much better would our lives be if there were no political parties, just people and their principles.