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Forums - General Discussion - What do i do when i have too much hw?

how do i answer this question:
Under a stereomicroscope, when the fine adjustment knob is turned to focus on the nucleus, the bacteria become blurred, but when the bacteria are focused, the nucleus is blurred. What is the spatial relationship between the cell and the bacteria?

Around the Network

Oh yes. Let's ask the Eighth Grader. He is sure to answer your Microbiology question when he is only learning about the Electoral College and the New Jersey Pinelands.

And besides, why is there a relationship between the cell and the bacteria? Don't you mean nucleus and bacteria?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I forgot my homework, so I had to drive back to school today...

I come home at 5:30pm. Have to sleep at 12 am. Wake up at 8am. Drive to school. Make it there at 8:30. School begins at 8:45. I get released at 11am.
12 I've got work. Than at 5 I leave...

Yet, I still manage to do my homework.

It seems that you need to put some more effort into your homework.

Here's what I do.

In class, instead of taking notes, I draw or write.

On the bus, I play DS.

At home, I hang out on VGChartz, watch movies, and listen to music.

Then all of a sudden, I get a full ride to one of the country's best public universities to study Japanese, and then... I changed my major.

Word on the street is I'll be a big shot Hollywood director in May.