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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is the lacking 3rd party support a myth?

If you go to vgchartz game database and search each respective console, you get 667 results for the wii, 488 for the xbox 360 the and 351 for the PS3. Now doesn't this means there are not only more, but a lot more games either released or announced for the Wii?


Since only 34 games list Nintendo as the publisher and 14 as the developer (with overlap between the two), doesn' this mean that there are more third party games on the wii than on any other system?


Am I totally missing something, or is the whole lacking third party support claim expired?



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I'll go with the expired.

Most of the third part support on the wii is shovelware at best.

By summertime next year I'm sure even the quality argument will be null.

Fuck major franchises. I thought the Wii was about new ways to play. games with 4,5,13 in the title don't sound all that new.

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nitekrawler1285 said:
Fuck major franchises. I thought the Wii was about new ways to play. games with 4,5,13 in the title don't sound all that new.


Mattel is bringing their heavy hitter to the Wii, via Activision... I think this week, actually.

Hell yeah!  


Sorry I couldn't resist.  This game WILL sell zillions, however, I have no doubt.

RolStoppable said:
Griffin said:
Most of the third part support on the wii is shovelware at best.


The argument has shifted from "3rd parties don't support Nintendo" to "most of the 3rd party support is shovelware" quite some time ago. So in other words, now it's a quality issue and not a quantity issue.

But i expect the quality issue to be fixed by the end of next year or by mid 2010 at the most.  Its a great improvement from where Nintendo started this gen to where they will be.  It won't be the next PS2 but it's creating its own image, it may not be the best, but its a step in an interesting direction.  If Nintendo can bring back quality control for next gen then it could be in a place to complete with the PS2 image.

'09 is the year of the Wii.

Quality games take 2-4 years to develop. Publishers pretty much forced developers to switch to Wii in 2007, a system they previously ignored, so that's why we're still waiting.

'09 is coming up, and we have MotionPlus on the way, so we'll be enjoying accurate motion gaming while other systems will be using old-fashioned controls.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

I think we shouldnt worry about 3rd party quality titles on the Wii right now, it'll only be soon when 3rd parties actually forced to make main franchise on the Wii because of the sales it gets. It'll be their downfall if they continue this any longer besides, the Wii is only 2 years on its lifespan there'll be improvements in months ahead...

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

RolStoppable said:
Griffin said:
Most of the third part support on the wii is shovelware at best.


The argument has shifted from "3rd parties don't support Nintendo" to "most of the 3rd party support is shovelware" quite some time ago. So in other words, now it's a quality issue and not a quantity issue.

And when that issue goes away in 2009 then it'll be 3rd parties don't make enough of a certain kind of game haha.