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Forums - General Discussion - Will Obama win=a president actually more intelligent than UK Prime minister

Avalach21 said:
superchunk said:
llewdebkram said:

Bad title I know but due to lack of space I had to cut it down.

I know little about the US election or the candidates but have seen Obama speak a few times and see an intelligent guy who I almost wish was a British MP.

Would be quite a turn around for the USA to have a president voted in who has intelligence and character.

What do you all think?


Clinton says hi.










getting blowjobs under the desk?


c'mon man

By character I thought it meant interesting, not as in socially acceptable norms. You have to admit he is one of the best publics speakers out there.


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HappySqurriel said:

Sadly enough, far too many people associate eloquent speaking with intelligence ...

Case in point...


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

TheRealMafoo said:
HappySqurriel said:

Sadly enough, far too many people associate eloquent speaking with intelligence ...


How about a law degree from Harvard?

I have no doubt Obama is a smart man, but that does not make his politics right for this country. 

I have no doubt that Obama is probably a smart man, but being an eloquent speaker or having degrees from an ivy-league college are not signs of (unusually) high intelligence.

Many of us have probably met people who were excellent at memorizing facts, and then repeating these facts when necessary, but have little or no ability to apply any concept that they have "learned." These people are not necessarily smart or dumb but they excel in many fields of academic study.

Now, if you study Neuro-Linguistic Programming you will learn about many of the “Tricks” that eloquent speakers use (either consciously or unconsciously). A well know trick that some of the most eloquent speakers use is using abstract concepts rather than concrete example because people will agree with abstract concepts but may not agree with the concrete example; essentially, if you are telling people that you will provide ‘Hope’, ‘Change’ or ‘Equality’ most people are going to agree that those are worthwhile goals, but if you talk about what you mean by ‘Hope’, ‘Change’ or ‘Equality’ far more people are going to disagree with you. If you're not saying anything of any real substance, how would this be a sign of your high intelligence?


HappySqurriel said:
TheRealMafoo said:
HappySqurriel said:

Sadly enough, far too many people associate eloquent speaking with intelligence ...


How about a law degree from Harvard?

I have no doubt Obama is a smart man, but that does not make his politics right for this country. 

I have no doubt that Obama is probably a smart man, but being an eloquent speaker or having degrees from an ivy-league college are not signs of (unusually) high intelligence.

Many of us have probably met people who were excellent at memorizing facts, and then repeating these facts when necessary, but have little or no ability to apply any concept that they have "learned." These people are not necessarily smart or dumb but they excel in many fields of academic study.

Now, if you study Neuro-Linguistic Programming you will learn about many of the “Tricks” that eloquent speakers use (either consciously or unconsciously). A well know trick that some of the most eloquent speakers use is using abstract concepts rather than concrete example because people will agree with abstract concepts but may not agree with the concrete example; essentially, if you are telling people that you will provide ‘Hope’, ‘Change’ or ‘Equality’ most people are going to agree that those are worthwhile goals, but if you talk about what you mean by ‘Hope’, ‘Change’ or ‘Equality’ far more people are going to disagree with you. If you're not saying anything of any real substance, how would this be a sign of your high intelligence?


you should run in 2012, i'll move to the us just to vote for you man


Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Doesn't matter how intelligent you are if you can't get your point across to anyone.

You can be intelligent without being a great speaker but good presentation and speaking skills are pretty important to being a successful leader.