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Forums - General Discussion - Will Obama win=a president actually more intelligent than UK Prime minister

The_vagabond7 said:
No Montana, don't join Bigjon! DON'T DO IT!

Don't you know? Providing health care for citizens who can't afford it is the ultimate definition of being a fascist dictator.




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You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Cmon Vagabond, what's with all the Kool-aid?



oh yeah!

McCain's next add:

"Is Barack Obama going to be the next Hitler? We need the whole story Obama, and just saying "no" doesn't suffice"

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Sadly enough, far too many people associate eloquent speaking with intelligence ...

HappySqurriel said:

Sadly enough, far too many people associate eloquent speaking with intelligence ...


How about a law degree from Harvard?

I have no doubt Obama is a smart man, but that does not make his politics right for this country. 

llewdebkram said:

Bad title I know but due to lack of space I had to cut it down.

I know little about the US election or the candidates but have seen Obama speak a few times and see an intelligent guy who I almost wish was a British MP.

Would be quite a turn around for the USA to have a president voted in who has intelligence and character.

What do you all think?


Clinton says hi.


Jandre002 said:
Obama's IQ is supposedly around 165, thats Einstein levels BTW.


Pics or it didn't happen.

superchunk said:
llewdebkram said:

Bad title I know but due to lack of space I had to cut it down.

I know little about the US election or the candidates but have seen Obama speak a few times and see an intelligent guy who I almost wish was a British MP.

Would be quite a turn around for the USA to have a president voted in who has intelligence and character.

What do you all think?


Clinton says hi.










getting blowjobs under the desk?


c'mon man

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