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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why did you dont buy a PlayStation 3

English is piss-easy to learn. I hate to break it to you, but reading/writing/grammar classes are pretty much standard all around the world no matter the language. The only shitty thing about english are phrasal verbs and how the same letters/combination of have many phonetic variations.

You should try a language with declensions (sp?) like german, russian, classic latin or greek... now that's nasty stuff.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Funny, my foreign friends have all said that English was difficult. The numerous language professors I've had - Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Greek - have all said that English is a complicated, difficult language.

I never said all those sorts of classes weren't standard across the globe. But few cultures require you to study the primary language as extensively as English. And you failed to address the many, many other points I made, thanks.


It came out with a price that was way too high for my tastes.
I figured I would get one after it had been out a while and the price settled.
But then Sony took out backward compatibility.
So I don't know when/if I will get the system.

Mike from Morgantown


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Some of you guys, have no idea what your talking about. The ps3 had netflix from the beginning because it had an internet browser. The netflix digital service is browser based. The only reason why they made a deal with microsoft is because the xbox didn't have an internet browser. And the xbox 360 is backwards compatible with less games then ps3 even including the ps3 consoles that aren't backwards compatible. And to say that it has better games is bull because the fact of the matter is on IGN xbox 360 didn't even have an exclusive win game the year for it's console. Game of the year for 360 was cod4. Game of the year for ps3 was uncharted drakes fortune even though cod4 came out for ps3 as well. I'm not saying ps3 games are better. I'm just saying you should think about it a little bit more. Now anyone who says they personally like the game selection better I do not disagree with. 360 caters to a more mature audience which, until the wii came along, the majority of gamers were a mature audience. I just want people to get there facts straight.

The PS3 is too expensive, (there used to be a lack of quality games), and I was pissed about the lack of backwards compatibility. Serious, what was Sony thinking.


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thetonestarr said:

Funny, my foreign friends have all said that English was difficult. The numerous language professors I've had - Spanish, German, Hebrew, and Greek - have all said that English is a complicated, difficult language.

I never said all those sorts of classes weren't standard across the globe. But few cultures require you to study the primary language as extensively as English. And you failed to address the many, many other points I made, thanks.


Lol no - many countries study their primary language in such a way.

I find funny you feel so special about your own language tho. "I speek english I am a speshul someon" =D

Frenchies used to think the same when their language was lingua franca.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Whoa, buddy. I never said there was anything "special" about English. I'd rather my language be a simpler one, easier to learn! I find it a mark of inferiority to be so complicated and unrefined.


Because the PS3 is black...just kidding...I need my Nintendo games!

The 360...period!

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thetonestarr said:
Whoa, buddy. I never said there was anything "special" about English. I'd rather my language be a simpler one, easier to learn! I find it a mark of inferiority to be so complicated and unrefined.


Let's leave it as a minor derail =)


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).