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why did you buy your one over the others

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GAmes games games games games and live =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

all my friends had it and halo best online game ever


This is like the 10th thread this week..."why did you buy the 360?"

Do people really need to ask this question?

well i have teh wii and 360 and will someday get the ps3

i chose the 360 before the ps3 b/c it was

1--well it was cheaper at the time
2-it had the bigger library of nex gem games
3--i am stuck on the gamerscore, is like crack
4-bunches of my friends all had one and we game together
5--i was a big fan of halo matches
6-nice selection of exclusives coming its way
7--got mine on sale so i saved enough to get two games at time of purchase
8-owned the original xbox and had some games from it that were BC

so all in all i win



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Because buying a second Wii would be silly and the PS3 wasn't out yet?

I bought one originally because it clearly has the best games library this gen (so far).

Whilst it might not have the best game this generation (it's a matter of opinion), it has the best diversity and there is basically a AAA title to fill every genre (which neither the Wii or PS3 can boast yet).

Also, online is much better on the 360, more content and more users, which means more people playing online in my country, which means less chance I'll end up in a laggy game.

mesoteto said:
well i have teh wii and 360 and will someday get the ps3

i chose the 360 before the ps3 b/c it was

1--well it was cheaper at the time
2-it had the bigger library of nex gem games
3--i am stuck on the gamerscore, is like crack
4-bunches of my friends all had one and we game together
5--i was a big fan of halo matches
6-nice selection of exclusives coming its way
7--got mine on sale so i saved enough to get two games at time of purchase
8-owned the original xbox and had some games from it that were BC

so all in all i win

i have the ps3 and 360 still waitng for the wii maybe this christmas


I bought it cause of the games and live


I got a Wii first(still my favourite) and then I got a 360 for NHL08. =]
I'm glad I did too, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play the awesomeness that is Tales of Vesperia.