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why did you buy your one

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I was able to get the european 60 gig bundle which actually (after calculations) turned out to be cheaper (the machine) than the 40 gig one :p because it came with 2 games and 2 controllers.


I also have all playstations.. so it would just have been a matter of time before i got it anyways :p

Check out my game about moles ^

games .. mainly . I am sure that the ps3 will get a great collection .I didn't give a shit about the bluray !

lol...I bought one for MGS4. Sold it after I beat it...

The problem is that all my friends own a 360 so all the multiplatform/multiplayer games will be played on the 360. So ps3 is mostly for the sony exclusives...

I'll pick up another one when the price drops if R2 and Killzone 2 are all that...

I wanted one.

Hmm, pie.

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The first one: I had to sell about 200-300 DVD's because they were just taking up too much space. I got an insane amount of store credit at Movie Trading Company and instead of using that to buy more DVD's or taking the shaft and just getting cash I got an 80gig PS3 and a few games.

The second one: Christmas bonus from work.

I bought one because I thought Final Fantasy 13 and Kingdom hearts 3 would go exclusively to PS3.

Obviously I'm 50% burned because of that (I sold my 360 to get a PS3).

But because of CoD4 being available on PS3, I stand by my choice.

The Fury said:
I wanted one.


 but why did you want one

i wanted one to play games. i was going to get the other consoles but i had to get the ps3 first.

1. Games. I'm not a big fan of FPS so don't feel like I'm missing all that much that's being released exclusive to XB360.
2. Backwards Compatibility - Own 60GB
3. BluRay