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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Resistance Thursdays!" League

Turns out I had a better day today, so I'll be taking a hot bath to warm up from the -24C ( -11F) temperatures soon and then signing in for an hour of so of Resistance. Hope to see a few of you friendly faces tonight and have a good laugh at Chrono's antics.

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Alright, let's get this thing started. Chrono is in the game, Griffin is on the PSN and Mirson is on VGC, so we should have half a squad.
Again, I'll have to leave in about 1 hour though.

Sorry I couldn't be there; I was at school at the time.

Kind of an off league day ^_^ No matter though! I still got to get dogs a crap load of "now it's a paperweight" ribbons :3

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Is this still going?


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yes. i will be there tonight and all days got my soldier to level 30 need gray tech harrr

Sweet!!! >: ) another war-machine! I have all 3 to 30, so I can fill in for whatever ^^ (my fav is soldier, but I don't mind being an ammo or heal bitch :D)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I wondered what bug was causing me to get "paper weights". Anyways, we (Chrono, his room mate and I) only played one round as I screwed up the party menu (keeping myself out of game again) and by time they would be done, it would be my bed time.

LOL well the "Now it's a paperweight!" "Bug" is awesome! Thank you very much! And that would be my fault :3 If you shoot the reactor after it's destroyed with a powerful enough gun, the bug registers it as being destroyed again :3 So using the grenade launcher (12 in the clip, 36 spare) gives me quite a few chances ^^ I'll use the auger next time for even more I PROMISE YOU!!!!!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Assuming tomorrow goes as well as today, then I'll definetly be there tomorrow.