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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Resistance Thursdays!" League

So all Thursdays = Taekwondo and all Saturdays = Band or just this week? Join us when you can. :)

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Well, this Thursday is taekwondo, and this Saturday is band. Normally, it's a tossup as to whether or not I have taekwondo (7-9 MST) Thursdays, and on Saturdays I usually have orchestra (the difference is that this isn't school sponsored) from 1-3 MST, which is why I've been to the Warhawk league a grand total of once.

Also, I was curious about why it thinks taekwondo was misspelled, so I decided to see what the spell check wanted me to change "taekwondo" to. The first option was "Wonderbra" >_>

Firefox suggested the "Wonderland" spelling for me, but I'm using the UK dictionary.

Well, it's 9PM, so the games shall begin only Chrono seems to be on though. PSN Bowties

Thanks for playing guys. I guess I'll have to add forevercloud and Joseph to the roster tomorrow. Are there any other secret players on your list Chrono?

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Dogs Rule said:
Firefox suggested the "Wonderland" spelling for me, but I'm using the UK dictionary.

That was the second option for me... I'd assume I have the US dictionary, since I have the US version of Firefox.

Sorry I couldn't make it, I'm gonna try and plan better for next week so I can get homework and taekwondo done earlier in the week.

I started a new job this week and I just can't muster up the energy to play games in the evening. Maybe tomorrow will be different, but there is a 50% chance I will not be up to playing.

Hopefully, I will settle into a new routine and be back to a 90% participation rate soon. If the crap hits the fan, maybe I'll be unemployed again and have all the time in the world.

One way or another, there is no way I can play if the games are scheduled for 9PM-11PM EDT. Is 8PM-10PM a deal breaker for anyone?

Hopefully, I can make it tomorrow though. I do greatly enjoy playing with you guys. :)

I can't make it again; I've got a basketball game to go to (for band; it's like the equivalent of a test grade in there), and I have to be there at 6:30 MST, so I'd be able to play for like 20 minutes, which isn't much of a match...

I'm hoping to be able to make it to the first part of the Warhawk league, but I have another game to go to so I'll have to leave sometime in the middle.
After this week, all the games are on Friday, so they shouldn't interfere, but I'm not sure when orchestra starts up, and when it does, I'll be missing the Warhawk games again. =(

wow! that is a good idear!!

Sorry for missing out on most of the conversation here guys xD @All No prob for the hosting :P I'm just sorry I'm not quite up to par with Dogs on the people organizing side xD Maybe in due time!

I'd be down for playing today :P I'm pretty free as far as I can tell, if need be to host just send me a message and tell my bitchass to play resistance, I have a bad tendency of forgetting times >_> and I just started Valkyria Chronicles.

As for secret people, Darkwayward (my roomate) might be playing with us, and Chevey if I can get her on ^^ Damn her and her wraith >_>

Taekwondo's first spelling is Wonderbra for me as well :D

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