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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Resistance Thursdays!" League

Alright, let the games begin. Contact Bowties .

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Ugh, looks like I missed out again... I'll try and join in for some co-op next week. Just got my Spec Ops to lvl 30, and I have a lvl 30 medic. =)

Thanks for playing and thanks to Griffin for hosting. I'm glad I checked the thread during one of my deaths and saw that Insomniac erroneously thought we were done, so I was able to recruit him. Unfortunately, that was supposed to be my last game, so I wanted to stay on for a game with him and Cool. Hopefully you guys show up a little earlier next time.

Where was Wenlan again? I also tried to get Tremble to join us, but it was too late in Belgium. I'm really hoping to get the European league up and running. Obliterator said he'll host after he gets the game for christmas.

Those were some great games; thanks for hosting Griffin. It was pretty funny when like half of the squad was standing right where the chimeras respawned.

I wish I had gotten to my PS3 earlier. I'd gotten back from Taekwondo when I posted that, and then I got a little sidetracked on my way to play Resistance 2, but I did think you guys were done. Thanks for getting me in at least one game though, Dogs, you guys are fun to play with and I look forward to next week. ^_^

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No problem. Thanks for coming and looking forward to you fully playing next week. I always keep my PSP near me during league games (Warhawk and Resistance) so I can check the thread.

I just realized that the next two thursday's are Christmas day and NewYears respectively. Will anyone be playing those days?

Yeah, I should be able to make it next week, my family tends to celebrate Christmas early in the morning, then we all go do whatever for the rest of the day. I'm not sure about New Years though, I still don't know what we'll be doing then, but I'll be sure to let you know when I find out.

I'm not sure what my plans will be on either day. If I am volunteering (driving drunks and their cars back home), then I can't play. Or if I have a formal Christmas diner at my neighbours, then I might be able to make it.

We'll try to accommodate anyone who receives the game as a Christmas present and want to get some fun in with VGC users.

If i'm able to get on next thursday i'll no doubt have another user on with me, so that should give us atleast one more player.

Couldn't show up on this game, i was (ta-da!) Celebrating the start of my vacations :D. And for this reason, i'll be able to play a lot more :), can't wait till next week

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"