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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

Staude said:
*inserts pic of peter moore holding up the xbox 360 while saying "it can do everything the ps3 can, it just explodes trying"*


 ha! win.

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DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

How the hell would anyone on this fourm know?



who said anyone on this forum knew?

i said "how the hell would he know",

i never said "how he hell did he know? he must have visited the vgchartz forums"



Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Everstar said:

Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.


 ...and lots of people are saying the 360 can handle it.

do you see what's happening here?

DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.


 ...and lots of people are saying the 360 can handle it.

do you see what's happening here?



Im saying i think people from microsoft know a lot more then you or i about the xbox 260 so if they say it can haddle it you should belive them and not some random PS3 fanbay on a fourm complaiing about it going multiplatform.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.

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Staude said:
btw to anyone saying it would be cheap, they would have to completely redesign/rearrange the way the engine is built since it's made to take advantage of the ps3's design. It would be very expensive.


If that were the case, PS3 would never be the lead platform for ANY multiplatform game.

Clearly games that run perfectly on both platforms and have PS3 as the lead platform (DMC4 and Burnout Paradise are two big examples) shows that it must not be overly expensive to port from PS3 to 360.

If you say that those games don't take maximum use of the PS3's design, then you're basically admitting that MGS4 is the roof of the PS3's capabilities, which is a lie, considering that (and most PS3 fans will agree this game graphically looks awesome) that Killzone 2 clearly surpasses MGS4 from a technical standpoint.

Notice how when you copy other peoples ideas without fully understanding what they meant by those comments, you make an ass out of yourself?

Imperial said:
Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.


start reading from the second bolded line in my first post on this thread.


Also, have a nice day because we won't be hearing from you afterwards.

CGI-Quality said:

Man I think sometimes that a lot of your posts scream that same whining quote: “waaa, waaaa I want to be heard, give me a chance to troll, it's my turn”!!!!!!! See how ridiculous that sounds, good now you know how the majority of your posts sound, like a whining troll.



And what were you just doing in this post besides

I am really hoping this game comes to 360 becuase i dont want to spend 400$ to play a game.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Xen said:

Why is this still being discussed?

It's gonna happen dood. It's going to the 360.

Everstar said:

Im saying i think people from microsoft know a lot more then you or i about the xbox 260 so if they say it can haddle it you should belive them and not some random PS3 fanbay on a fourm complaiing about it going multiplatform.


 i should believe them just because they said so? i'm sorry, but no.