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Forums - Sales Discussion - Dengeki Online: JP's most anticipated game is Last Remnant (360)

Not surprising, it's an anticipated game that is close to release, from an Elite Dev and isn't a remake or port of an old game.

the fact FFXIII is #2 gives you an idea of how wanted that game is.

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I also see there is another Shin Megami Tensei game coming out. That one is a sequel to "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army"

Apparently the Limited Edition of that game comes with a new Enhanced version of SMT:Nocturne

Bitmap Frogs said:
mrstickball said:

Since June, we've pretty much seen a virtual re-launch of the X360 with consumer interest. Very few consoles or handhelds have ever mounted this kind of notable turnaround 2 years into their life. Only the PSP and DS have seen anything like this - both due to major hardware revisions.

That's a daring comparison, stickball =)

Go look at any sales chart of DS sales before DS-Lite, or PSP before PSP-2000. They are in the same company. Yes, the X360 is a massive amount lower in terms of raw units, but percentage wise, and notability of said differences, are strikingly similar.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
mrstickball said:

Since June, we've pretty much seen a virtual re-launch of the X360 with consumer interest. Very few consoles or handhelds have ever mounted this kind of notable turnaround 2 years into their life. Only the PSP and DS have seen anything like this - both due to major hardware revisions.

That's a daring comparison, stickball =)

Go look at any sales chart of DS sales before DS-Lite, or PSP before PSP-2000. They are in the same company. Yes, the X360 is a massive amount lower in terms of raw units, but percentage wise, and notability of said differences, are strikingly similar.



Your setting yourself up for massive disappointment if you look at it this way.  And you know this too and your still doing it.  My question is why?

What kind of massive disappointment am I going to have?

The Xbox 360 is on track to have the best year the X360 has ever had - and it may surpass last year's LTD numbers before November even starts. Isn't that kind of noteworthy?

And not only that, there are enough games to debut next year alongside the slim to give it decent sales through next year. So what am I wrong about?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Darc Requiem said:
Yeah its probably another poor guessitmate of Japanese demand like the Famitsu Most Wanted list. DQIX and MH3 will more than likely be the ranked 1 and 2 in sales. Their rankings, or lack their of, are contrary to the likely sales of MH3 and DQIX.


These lists are not meant to represent Japanese demand for anything. Simply which "game" is most anticipated, anticipation doesn't necessary equal demand when there are limitations on the number of anticipated games one can have.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 
mrstickball said:
What kind of massive disappointment am I going to have?

The Xbox 360 is on track to have the best year the X360 has ever had - and it may surpass last year's LTD numbers before November even starts. Isn't that kind of noteworthy?

And not only that, there are enough games to debut next year alongside the slim to give it decent sales through next year. So what am I wrong about?

Your comparing the 360 to powerhouses in the Japanese market.  That's setting yourself up for disappointment no matter which way you look at it.  360 is on a good run in Japan right now but I'm not being bias when I say it's hard to say with a straight face that this will last for too long into 2009.

mrstickball said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
mrstickball said:

Since June, we've pretty much seen a virtual re-launch of the X360 with consumer interest. Very few consoles or handhelds have ever mounted this kind of notable turnaround 2 years into their life. Only the PSP and DS have seen anything like this - both due to major hardware revisions.

That's a daring comparison, stickball =)

Go look at any sales chart of DS sales before DS-Lite, or PSP before PSP-2000. They are in the same company. Yes, the X360 is a massive amount lower in terms of raw units, but percentage wise, and notability of said differences, are strikingly similar.



I'd say tens of thousands and millions are two entirely different magnitudes, percentages be damned...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

no monster hunter 3 ????

poor crappy poll

also no yakuza3 ?

Time to Work !

Famitsu's most wanted represents japanese gamers interests a lot better.

And you people should stop complaining what there is no MH3 on the list or what DQIX is that low or what Pokemon has never been on the list or whatever else. These games are meant mostly for kids or casuals, while these magazines have different audience.

So of course these lists dont always represent possible sales. And damn, be happy about that, because otherwise you would see Wii Music and related Wii crap all over the top places on such lists.