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Forums - General Discussion - What is More Dangerious: Truth Claimers or Truthists?

Ya know I'm a person who likes to hear almost all sides of any point.  I like to see all viewpoints on religion before I make a personal opinion on what I believe.  I like to search the interenet to find all viewpoints on the current issues.  But I always come across 2 things.  People that say they have the truth and people that try to denounce that truth.  My question to you is actually a question that has a right answer.  And in the answer it's to make a statement.  So which kinda person or organization is more dangerious?  Those that claim they have the truth or those that try to dig up those truth claims.  When I use dangerous I mean more in terms of violence, corruption, manipulation, and probably dangerious to the human mind.

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I'd say those who claim the truth. They were behind slavery, the inquisition, the great purge, and the holocaust.

When you get people like Nietzsche telling everybody else they're wrong and to fuck off, you don't get millions of people following him and killing in his name.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
I'd say those who claim the truth. They were behind slavery, the inquisition, the great purge, and the holocaust.

When you get people like Nietzsche telling everybody else they're wrong and to fuck off, you don't get millions of people following him and killing in his name.


Haha good and you knew the philosopher I got this from haha.  But yes there is a right answer to this and it is those who make truth claims.  This stems from people ragging and tormenting people who question the truth.  Why do people find it so atrocious when people question their religion or what they believe in.  Why do people rant on things like conspiracy theory stories.  These are not the things that will hurt anyone.  Actually you should be glad they are being done because whether wrong or right they'll help you learn more about your beliefs and things in the world.  Truthists are like philosophers.  Maybe not in the same realm or level but this is what they do.  The question the world and this is what we need.  We need people to say I'm not going to take what you say at face value until I have solid proof. 

Truth claimers on the other hand are the people in this world that cause terrible things to happen.  These are people like Hitler who say they know what's best and you should follow that.  These are the people that lead to some of the largest genocides in the world.  And yet you sit here and defend them til death? 

What Rubang was referring to is the ting called modernism, or more or less today, post-modernism.  They want to dig up and deconstruct all the truth claims and expose them.  This comes from their believing that everything in this world is perspective.  And to a certain degree that's probably true.  Point being never stop questioning who you are, what this world is, and what you believe in.  Once you do that you allow yourself to subcumb to manipulation and corruption.  You don't have to believe in what others say or what others try to derive when trying to break down truth claims.  All you have to do is keep questioning yourself.

I'm gonna have to make a thread about evidence and belief :/
I'm going to posit that claims to truth are not needed to cause violence, corruption, manipulation.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz

Claims to truth are not needed to cause violence, but when compared to deconstructing the truth, they're about 89015725 times more likely to incite violence.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Claims to truth are not needed to cause violence, but when compared to deconstructing the truth, they're about 89015725 times more likely to incite violence.




To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
appolose said:
I'm gonna have to make a thread about evidence and belief :/
I'm going to posit that claims to truth are not needed to cause violence, corruption, manipulation.


That's not even what I'm asking.  Attention span of a squirrel.  I'm asking between the 2 which is more dangerious in the terms I gave.  Someone who claims they have the truth or someone who seeks to find it.  It doesn't take a genius to look through history and see what the correct answer is.  Thus why do we look down upon those that do question the claims while defending those claims that have caused so much animosity throughout history. 

You can believe whatever you want but never le the belief control you.  Always question.  So what if the question leads to a silly answer... you'll simply find something that wasn't true which helps you ascertain your beliefs further.  In the words of Thomas Edison, "I didn't fail 1000 times.  I just found 1000 ways not to make a lightbulb."  It's the close minded people in this world that cause violence... especially in factions if we go off the words of James Madison.  Not to many times we see people who are open minded do things in that name violently.

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

Zucas said:
appolose said:
I'm gonna have to make a thread about evidence and belief :/
I'm going to posit that claims to truth are not needed to cause violence, corruption, manipulation.


That's not even what I'm asking.  Attention span of a squirrel.  I'm asking between the 2 which is more dangerious in the terms I gave.  Someone who claims they have the truth or someone who seeks to find it.  It doesn't take a genius to look through history and see what the correct answer is.  Thus why do we look down upon those that do question the claims while defending those claims that have caused so much animosity throughout history. 

You can believe whatever you want but never le the belief control you.  Always question.  So what if the question leads to a silly answer... you'll simply find something that wasn't true which helps you ascertain your beliefs further.  In the words of Thomas Edison, "I didn't fail 1000 times.  I just found 1000 ways not to make a lightbulb."  It's the close minded people in this world that cause violence... especially in factions if we go off the words of James Madison.  Not to many times we see people who are open minded do things in that name violently.


@bolded: Funny, because Edison was a thug.  He was better at using unethical means to get other people inventions marketable and patented than he was at actually inventing.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Zucas said:

Ya know I'm a person who likes to hear almost all sides of any point.  I like to see all viewpoints on religion before I make a personal opinion on what I believe.  I like to search the interenet to find all viewpoints on the current issues.  But I always come across 2 things.  People that say they have the truth and people that try to denounce that truth.  My question to you is actually a question that has a right answer.  And in the answer it's to make a statement.  So which kinda person or organization is more dangerious?  Those that claim they have the truth or those that try to dig up those truth claims.  When I use dangerous I mean more in terms of violence, corruption, manipulation, and probably dangerious to the human mind.

Isn't this really a trick question?

Isn't anyone that "digs up truth claims" eventually going to become someone that claims they have the truth? Also isn't anyone answering this question a truth claimer unless they reseached their answer from different angles first(unlikely considering responses start as early as 7 minutes after the OP)? Also aren't you a truth claimer for suggesting there is a right answer?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.