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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Hit With California Class Action Lawsuit For Xbox 360 Failures

I believe MS should have a five year + RROD warranty on their consoles. People who bought launch consoles will have to pay $100 to get their 360 fixed starting in November/December, so that's bad news for them.

But honestly this lawsuit is probably going to go no where considering even new consoles are covered for three years on the RROD warranty. In another three years from now the console should be $130 or less anyways and most people will just buy another one (PS2 DRE anyone?).

It's just that simple.

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so people are going have to start paying for their consoles to get fixed?





Well, it was a matter of time before Microsoft got sued. First it was Nintendo for "stealing" motion control, then the PS3 for having an "optical drive" now it is the 360's turn in the legal spotlight.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

deathgod33 said:
so people are going have to start paying for their consoles to get fixed?


11/22/05 is the launch of the 360 in the US.

11/22/08 is the day launch units have celebrated three years in the US. I wonder how many are still RROD free?


So yeah basically after three years of puchase if your console is out of warranty and you DID NOT extend you warranty for I believe $60 for two years (I could be wrong on this) , then your going to have to pay $100 to fix your console for any issue including RROD.


MS has not announced an extension of the warranty so It's safe to assume this will be the case.

It's just that simple.

Microsoft already extended the warranty to 3 years, fixed each console sent in, and they refunded the money to people who paid for the fix. This one will be going nowhere quickly. Except if its people complaining after 11/18 of this year. That's a different story