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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF13 TGS 08 TRAILER --- AUDIO LEAKED!

Khuutra said:
zexen_lowe said:
Soriku said:
Ultimecia and Seymour are good names.

Consider that I speak spanish, where Ultima=last, so if you wanted Ultimecia would mean "the one who always finishes last"


You could take the root meaning of the word (for both English and Spanish) which is, you know, "last" in the sense of "final". That is what "ultimate" means.

Strago is a good name.

I don't see how "Noctis" is any more ridiculous than any other name on this page. Is it beecause it has a distinctly Romantic flavor or what?

Well, yes, you could, but it's easier to see the "negative" connotations in a name than the positive. At least it's the first thing that you think

Strago sounds exactly like "estragos" which means damage, havoc.


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I submit that that in no way makes the name "Strago" less of an awesome, metal name.

sqayrenix know how to create pretty cgi's i mean what the heck with all the time they have spent on the cgi cinematic they could have finished of the game.

Makes me wonder how much of the game is done and what it looks like.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st