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Forums - Sony Discussion - MSNBC: Is 'LittleBigPlanet' the PS3's killer app?

Whether or not Sony can sell consoles this Christmas depends a lot on forces beyond the company’s control. And that’s too bad. This game likely will be an instant classic, one that deserves a place on any gamer’s shelf — not just those who happen to own a PS3. If you don’t have a PS3, make good friends with someone who does. “LittleBigPlanet” will keep you occupied and entertained for hours, through the long, cold winter and beyond.

Will you buy 'LittleBigPlanet'?

  Quick facts

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Media Molecule
Price: $59.99
Platform: PlayStation 3
ESRB rating: Everyone

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Nice thats coming from MSNBC which is owned by MS.

with all do respect .........i know the game is great ! and i dont need to be reminded again and again
if i like a game -or anyone likes a game for tha matter why do we feel the need for someone else to reinsure our feelings

hatmoza 2.0 said:
with all do respect .........i know the game is great ! and i dont need to be reminded again and again
if i like a game -or anyone likes a game for tha matter why do we feel the need for someone else to reinsure our feelings


Yeah I know how you feel.

I think this article though is not so much about reminding people about LBP, but is significant in that MSNBC (run by MS to a large extent) has said that this is going to be a must-have game.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

There are a lot of must-have games that have not been had by a lot of people.

Around the Network

lol i find the the importance of this is that MSNBC which owned by MS is advertising Sony's console... are they pitying sony? >_>

@ errorr we have a few double agents over at MSNBC.

errorrrr said:
lol i find the the importance of this is that MSNBC which owned by MS is advertising Sony's console... are they pitying sony? >_>


 Call it what you want it's still advertisment.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Once again, as much as the rivalry between Sony and Microsoft over the consoles go, the fact that MSNBC is the one saying it means nothing at all. You must remember, Xbox for microsoft is just a drop in the bucket for them compared to the rest of their revenue streams. And guess what?

My friends Sony Viao laptop came with Windows Vista preloaded. Its a conspiracy i tell you......

Seriously, when it comes to business models and partnerships, you would be surprised who are bed fellows with each other. Just because theres competition between a company in a certain market sector, doesnt mean they dont embrace that same competitor in another market sector.

@ Hatmoza and Spankey
Seriously, how do you know the game is great before it comes out. I had dude at gamestop tell me i should preorder it because its gonna be the "greatest game this year" for PS3. Sadly, ive heard similar hype with other games that i feel were a massive fail. I think people should wait to see a game for itself rather then trying to judge it blindly just because everyone else says its gonna be great

prlatino86 said:
Once again, as much as the rivalry between Sony and Microsoft over the consoles go, the fact that MSNBC is the one saying it means nothing at all. You must remember, Xbox for microsoft is just a drop in the bucket for them compared to the rest of their revenue streams. And guess what?

My friends Sony Viao laptop came with Windows Vista preloaded. Its a conspiracy i tell you......

Seriously, when it comes to business models and partnerships, you would be surprised who are bed fellows with each other. Just because theres competition between a company in a certain market sector, doesnt mean they dont embrace that same competitor in another market sector.

@ Hatmoza and Spankey
Seriously, how do you know the game is great before it comes out. I had dude at gamestop tell me i should preorder it because its gonna be the "greatest game this year" for PS3. Sadly, ive heard similar hype with other games that i feel were a massive fail. I think people should wait to see a game for itself rather then trying to judge it blindly just because everyone else says its gonna be great


Speaking for myself, I'll give every game - regardless of platform - the benifit ouf the doubt and not say poor things about a game until I've personally played it and found it lacking.

I'll even go so far as to say Limbo of the Lost could be great.

Sounds rediculous, I know, but thats how I roll...

Besides, when I said "I know how you feel" it was in reference to hatmoza 2.0 complaining about the constant reminders appearing around the web.



Proud Sony Rear Admiral