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Forums - Gaming Discussion - OMG!!!! The stupidest thing happened to me in Rock Band 2!!!

Ok i was playing throught the endless setlist (84 songs!!) on expert, and i was attempting to get the achievement for not failing or pausing.  I was a lil over half way through the setlist and my stupid wireless guitar's batteries died!!!  And other than the batteries dieing, i didn't fail any songs or pause it.  Pissed me off so bad that i didn't get the achievement!!!!


Other than that it feels pretty good to have passed that on expert without failing.   Anyone else on vgchartz pass the endless setlist?

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What? They make you play 84 songs non-stop? I don't have the game, but I doubt I would take the time to accomplish that. Sorry about your batteries. That really sucks.

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That's a lot of Rock Band 2. I can barely keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head during Green Grass and High Tides in Rock Band. Gratz on making it through that, even if you didn't get the achievement.

Go do it again :p

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Hmm, i assume that the game has some health and safety warnings on the packaging or at startup that say take a break every half hour?

84 songs, assuming 4 minutes per song is 336 minutes, or 5 hours 36 minutes.

I think calling playing Rock Band for 5 hours straight an 'achievement' is a bit misleading

almost 6 hours wasted , that should be frustrating.

F.U. Fun University.

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That's the unhealthier thing i have ever heard

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scottie said:
Hmm, i assume that the game has some health and safety warnings on the packaging or at startup that say take a break every half hour?

84 songs, assuming 4 minutes per song is 336 minutes, or 5 hours 36 minutes.

I think calling playing Rock Band for 5 hours straight an 'achievement' is a bit misleading


 You are right.
It should be called a profound, meaningful accomplishment; or, Epic Win fits aswell.

Anyway, I would definitely be ticked if something like that happened after all that input effort.

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That's quite ridiculous...considering the more you play the more battery you use. Rock Band achievement confirmed impossible >

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Do it again! Do it again!

Grahamhsu said:
That's quite ridiculous...considering the more you play the more battery you use. Rock Band achievement confirmed impossible ><.


U will have to put it. Plutonium batteries or something.

F.U. Fun University.