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Forums - Sales Discussion - Banjo Kazoie to sell 300,000 lifetime in Japan 130k first week

Am... i don't think so..

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130 000 first week on 750 000 consoles = 17.333% attach rate on first week (ignoring any hardware sales tween now and then) Apply that same attach rate to the world and you get

3.7 million sales first week

And if the rest of the world has the same first week to legs ratio

Life time sales = 8.54 million

Despite its mediocre reviews, banjo will be huge!!!

This guys good for a laugh.

I like that, konnichiwa. Pro-logic. Indeed.

Tyrannical said:
matt247 said:
It seems that it might be popular in Japan

Believe it or not, the video presentation that was showing at the time was for Rare's Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Really. And every other time I saw it shown, people stopped, turned, and watched, where for most other titles (Star Ocean 4's STUNNING cinematics aside) they'd just keep on walking.


those people look like they have just come back from a funeral, i mean dam they look bord almost sad lmao.

And your prediciton is laughable being as Square enix rpg's have trouble pushing those kind of numbers on the x360. i mean really kid, i hope you dont really think that because you are going to be sad. this game has a bigger chance of selling 10k first week then selling  130 but if the game is getting people all across e3 to srop and watch then i may be wrong.

But being as this game is being sad to be getting more reactions then star ocan 4 i am going to make a bet.

Star Ocean 4 will sell more then banjo kazooie by 2:1


Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

those people look like they have just come back from a funeral, i mean dam they look bord almost sad lmao.

 As if a large crowd of people would stop and stare at it because it was borring.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

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KillaKB said:
Tuanniez said:
Here's why it won't sell 130k first week. Shipment will be 30k-80k.


 are you sure about

Nope, but looking at the shipment trends to Japan, the numbers I gave seem reasonable. Are you agreeing with the OP?


KillaKB said:
alot of people on this site are anti 360


no one is anti 360 dude, everyone is not high in space, get back down to earth and realise it will not sell that much! telling the truth isnt being anti 360.

yo_john117 said:
GTAIV08 said:
not gonna happen. it wont even break 300k worldwide


wow whatever helps you sleep at night.  I think it will probably sell 100k lifetime in japan, and about 1.6mil ww.


i was joking.

100K at max

Should do very well, the video demo on Xbox Live is looking very impressive and coming with the original Banjo(also video demo on Live which has had a graphic improvement) will sell it well.

Lot of Nintendo owners and ex owners in Japan will want this One to,Will be a big seller in Japan for sure.

It's a shame some post rubbish just because The Two Banjos are not coming out for their system, but look at the good side you can get LBP( Average Lemmings type platformer with updated graphics) but we can't so you will be Ok..