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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What 2 games to get?

I was thinking of getting Viewtiful Joe on the gamecube, cause it looks pretty awesome! And it´s definietely something different from the stuff I am used to!

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Luigi's Mansion is a great GC game i recommend you that :P

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LOL! I am not stupid...Luigi´s Mansion sucks!!! :P

sennaho said:
LOL! I am not stupid...Luigi´s Mansion sucks!!! :P

So does your face.

Metroid Prime and Shadow of the Colossus... or God of War.

Vjoe is awesome, get it you won't regret. For your ps2 I'd say yakuza 2, you got everything in that game: a good story and level up (you like rpg's don't you ^^), a good fight system, many side missions, many funny games (dating, golf, sega center, ...). And don't worry if you never played yakuza 1, you can see the past events in the beginning of the games! Go for it, you'll love it (and it's only 30 bucks).