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Forums - Sony Discussion - Steve Jobs on Blu-ray, ouch!

lolita said:
Staude said:
lolita said:
Saying Apple is overpriced is like saying PS3 is overpriced. One could say that with all the features, he has the best for his money and another one could say he doesn't care about the features so to him it's overpriced. Endless debate.

Also, well I guess Apple will stick to downloads. They don't seem to be that much interested in Bluray, atm.


Yes ofcourse.. because the apple pc with the same specs as the normal pc deffo offers so many things a regular pc does not.




Right... In the OPPOSITE WORLD.


Now i'm not hating here, but you can't compare it like that. The ps3 has a lot of things it's competitors does not. The mac does not. It has a different os but that's about it. Besides getting the ps3 for the price it's at is dirt cheap (if it were a pc.)


Again, PS3 could have features someone wouldn't care about and could consider it overpriced because all they want to use it for, is play the games. Some people think that those features are amazing and it's totally worth the price considering everything that comes with the PS3.

Apple offers a lot that others don't and the fact that everything is already ready to use out of the box and their computers are eco-friendly, save energy AND have quite a lot of power... It isn't something you'll find often in competition, as they often sacrifice one for the other. Plus, you have to see that the price isn't of only the hardware, it's also about everything that's in it (features, software, uniqueOS). Like HappySqurriel said, it's not that pricy.

So no it's not any different, if you look at it with an open mind... If you can't understand then fine, be that way.

You can do everything on a pc that you can on a mac.


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