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bRoKeN said:
i like ps3 exclusives better
more futuristic
xbox 360 doesnt look sturdy
dont like microsoft
$400 fits me nicely especially with all the features.... the $200 360 is just a scapegoat or however u call it
big on future proof
proud ps2 owner:p


Last Generation

i like Xbox exclusives better
more futuristic
PS2 doesnt look sturdy
dont like sony
$400 fits me nicely especially with all the features.... the $200 ps2 is just a scapegoat or however u call it
big on future proof
proud xbox owner:p"


Funny how words can backfire huh?

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Beja-Beja said:
SHMUPGurus said:

You got me all wrong. I meant that, now, gamers FROM BOTH CONSOLES will be able to enjoy FF XIII and Tekken 6. I thought you'd be happier for your fellow gamer friends...! o_O


Yeah but there is a difference

Online is free for PS3 gamers

There will be no disc swapping on PS3

The PS3 controller is awesome for fighters

The PS3 will not scratch the game

The PS3 will not explode halfway through the game


- Online is free for the 360, it's just not gaming that's free for all games. You can play Gears of War with a Silver account, and soon, Halo 3;

- Disc swapping is an issue now? I betcha your favorite RPGs were on the PS, and guess what? Most of them had 3 or 3 disks, each with an individual art on them, which is pretty cool if you ask me;

- If the D-Pad is not functional on the 360, you know the developers made the game work with the analog stick. Believe it or not, I've been playing Bionic Commando Rearmed (which is a 2.5D game, much like fighters) with the analog stick and I've never had problems controlling my guy and trigger good moves;

- The 360 won't scratch games if you position it horizontally. Why would you want to place your 360 vertically anyway;

- lol, 'is all.

Worst part is that your normal gamer will barely care about these things. They just want to PLAY GAMES, you know? o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!


You shouldn't have to turn of your console after every hour for it to cool down.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Bullet100000 said:

You shouldn't have to turn of your console after every hour for it to cool down.

It's not for cooling down, it's for your eyes, and evidently, your health at the end of the day.

I thought everyone read the health warnings? So you're telling me they've been there for no reason since the days of the NES? D:


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

EdGuila said:
bRoKeN said:
i like ps3 exclusives better
more futuristic
xbox 360 doesnt look sturdy
dont like microsoft
$400 fits me nicely especially with all the features.... the $200 360 is just a scapegoat or however u call it
big on future proof
proud ps2 owner:

Nice. Proud PS2 owner. Facing pressure from the employee working at EB Games to buy a XBox I went with a PS2. Good thing, the Xbox went caputz 13 months after I purchased my PS2 and the Xbox was dropped off a cliff in favor of the 360. Sega pulled this on me twice (Saturn, Dreamcast). I would of been pissed to have bought a console from people who don't support their systems for longer than 4 years. Not a chance in hell I'd buy a 360.


i remember friends trying to get me to buy the xbox back in elemntary/middle school.... never gave in since i already have the ps2

and what store do you work at? good job on the sales ^^

Around the Network
SHMUPGurus said:
Bullet100000 said:

You shouldn't have to turn of your console after every hour for it to cool down.

It's not for cooling down, it's for your eyes, and evidently, your health at the end of the day.

I thought everyone read the health warnings? So you're telling me they've been there for no reason since the days of the NES? D:


I been Gaming for atleast 15 years now I dont wear glass nor do I need them. my health is fine also.

But anyway theres no finishing this so i'll leave at that. 

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

I think a good answer of this thread also could be find here:

Dgc1808 said:

For me, most of the games I want got to PS3, PSP, and DS.

I don't want to pay for online.

And reliability is a factor.

I also find the PS controller very comfertable.

The other box has more features tHat I like.


 I agree with this nearly 100%. +1. Only game on the 360 i want atm is Star Ocean 4 nothing else.

zexen_lowe said:
I don't know if it's actually a strong reason for people, but my main reason to not want one is the fact that it's made by Microsoft.


I'll second that.   If it was made by any other American company, I would already have one. That said, if it wasn't more my anti-Microsoft bias, I would probably be leaning towards a 360 instead of a PS3 as my next console.  Wii is still the best choice for a primary console (IMHO).

Still a chance I might do an impulse buy on ebay and end up with a 360 prior to a PS3.  Will not be purchasing a 360 new.  Will eventually purchase a PS3 (new or used).


twesterm said:
It's all about the image to the parents.

Wii = parents would love their kids to play that
360 = Those little shits my kid shouldn't associate with play those things.


Mostly this. But also Reliability. I think that's been fixed, but the quality legacy will live on forever. If they had released it with normal failure rates, I think it would have still lost to the Wii, but most people would be saying "PS3? what's that?"