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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Get Arcade edition while you still can...

kingofwale promoting a X360? That's something you don't see everyday o.0 lol j/k


I really hope that they don't do it, especially when one friend want to buy me one :P

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There's absolutely NO way that they will include 20GB HDDs on the Arcades as a permanent solution.

HDDs are too cost-prohibitive to ever be available on a base model. HDDs in any solid form are $30+ at wholesale. Whereas memory cards, flash drives and various iterations are far cheaper.

If anything, MS will figure out a cheaper $10-15 solution rather than HDDs. Even if it means neutering the Arcade for Netflix. Netflix is a service designed for Premium and Elite owners...Not Arcade owners.

And ultimately, Microsoft, offering "upgrade" features - such as the $100 pack for the 60GB HDD + Live + Headset is the way to go, since MS makes a tidy profit as opposed to subsidizing the costs of a 20GB HDD on Arcades.

The BEST you could hope for is what MS is doing right now - offering cheap refurbished 20 GB HDDs for a limited time. Because those cost Microsoft very little. But offering new 20GB HDDs in Arcades for $200, when a 60GB HDD costs about $5 more would be retarded.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

No, because if MS sells an arcade with a 512mb card, then later on, they expect you to fork out the shit of money they charge for the HDD. So it would make sense business wise.

I'm still uncertain about the quality of the system itself.

I doubt Microsoft would get rid of the Arcade model since they've been really pushing the $199 starting point in their commercials. Now once the price drops again, things could change since the models with a hard drive could drop to that price eventually. Or as suggested, maybe they will include a small hard drive in the arcade.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

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read the site people.

And I don't see MS getting rid of the arcade sku anytime soon.

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Beja-Beja said:
I'm still uncertain about the quality of the system itself.


 Same, i was getting it for sure this year but now its up in the air for me, maybe early next year, since the PS3's line up imo suits my style. truth be told only thing that could get me to switch fer sure is if Star Ocean 4 came early if not then meh.

Nah, $200 pricepoint is where they want to be and other plans will be worked around it, for the last 2 years they've been talking about reaching it.

Not if people start buying it up like hotcakes...bird in hte hand and all...M$ wants people to get a taste, and then cough up $20 more for a 20gb HDD...then say OH MAN...and get the 60 HDD...cha-ching!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I could see them dropping the Arcade SKU, then having yet another price drop on the Pro - making it 199.