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Forums - Sales Discussion - Post Christmas sales

Lets assume all 3 systems have a good holiday season which they most likely will, Who will have a strong first quarter?? I think its safe to say nintendo will cruise along just fine, but who will take the early lead between MS and Sony?

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anyone out there????

360 will literally die next year in Europe. I expect PS3 to outsell it here more than 4 to 1.

It costs the same as a PS2 already yet it barely sells better than PS3 now? Next year will get ugly for MS.

I give you credit for thinking ahead. I think that a few retailers will go bankrupt after the holiday season, and sales of everything will be down, bu the Wii will lead. Call me "Mr. Positive'.

The urge to play is a terrible thing to waste.

I think Soony will take first quarter, what with Killzone and such. MS doesn't really have any big games coming out

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

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Like early this year, Sony will lead over MS in console sales with their HD platforms.

Especially moreso with PS3s growing software library, and the lack of effect of MSs price drop. And MSs future "shortages" that are sure to follow Christmas like last year, lulz.

the only game i can think of for 360 is Halo Wars, which i would love to play because Ensemble DOES not disappoint,

wii, ps3, 360

the ps3 will sell a shit load this holiday season thanks to europe.

DMeisterJ said:
Like early this year, Sony will lead over MS in console sales with their HD platforms.

Especially moreso with PS3s growing software library, and the lack of effect of MSs price drop. And MSs future "shortages" that are sure to follow Christmas like last year, lulz.


 What can they do... they didn't expect the price cut to be THIS successful.

It depends. If the ps3 has a price cut around march-april, I think it has a good chance to kill the 360 in europe.

In japan, ps3 will have a nice rise thanks to FFXIII demo.

In the us, I think it will be pretty close, but if there is a price cut there too, I think the ps3 will lead, thanks to kz2.