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Forums - Sales Discussion - Blu-ray Market Share in US up to 13% Over Previous Week

Mainly thanks to the release of Iron Man, Home Media Magazine reports Blu-ray up to 13% market share for the week.

Blu-ray sales up 146% over the previous week.

Will be interesting to see where things are at the launch of Indy 4 and Dark Knight.


PSN - hanafuda

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I don't like those Blu Ray threads anymore it always end the same: 'It is cherrypicking' 'Blu ray will be the next UMD' 'Blu Ray will take over from DVD between now and 20 years' 'LBP is huge' etc.

But good for Blu Ray I guess :);

Not bothered either way but those sales will look good when a big title comes out as they really aren't selling that well on weeks where their is no big titles the price is to high for the discs at the moment ..

They are only measuring the top 20 titles, not the overall market share of all titles.

Yeah, I'm pretty tired of these topics too. There's no way anyone can prove at this point whether or not Blu-Ray will be the next big thing.

Just to add a little more context however, everyone should keep in mind that this market share comparison only tracks sales of the top 20 discs - which tends to favor Blu-Ray pretty heavily (as the huge backlog of old DVD titles don't get counted at all).

EDIT: D'oh! Beaten by Fishy Joe.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

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Go Blu-ray!

Seeing how back list DVDs sell for 5$ at BestBuy, I somehow doubt extending the list to all titles would change the numbers by more than a few % as it is a revenue comparison....

Especially on the week of the massive title like Iron Man. I woudn't be surprised if this week the top 20 titles for DVD represented over 80% of the market...

Edit : If you look at the article page 24 of the links Iron Man outsold the top 2-20 titles combined on DVD by more than a 2 factor...( lol it outsold number 20 by a 200x factor)


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Seeing how back list DVDs sell for 5$ at BestBuy, I somehow doubt extending the list to all titles would change the numbers by more than a few % as it is a revenue comparison....

Especially on the week of the massive title like Iron Man. I woudn't be surprised if this week the top 20 titles for DVD represented over 80% of the market...
Yawn... why cant nay-sayers come up with something original? I also doubt many people are gonna be sitting at home watching tv and say "Hm... I think I'm gonna go to best buy and buy the shinning on DVD today"

Blu Ray is not doing well here in Southern England

Local Supermarket started selling Blu last year and gave a 2m x 3m wall to the product along with a cardboard cut out announcing Blu Ray and explaining it via leaflets.

I have watched the space slowly get taken over by the Wii and its peripherals and now its just a single row 1m long. Seriously they only have like 5 Blu Ray films on offer at any given time.

Not surprising when Sex and The City (one of the Blu Ray films on offer) is right next to its DVD couterpart.

Blu Ray 19.99 GBP
DVD 11.99 GBP

No one in their right minds is going to pay almost twice as much for the Blu Ray.

Are They ?

Funny thing is if you dig and do some research, the old titles that are both available on Blue Ray and DVD, sells a lot more in Blue Ray relatively compared to the top 20 titles... Granted there is a huge number of title only available in DVD...

Probably because at this point there is little interest for someone to buy the DVD of "300" or "Batman Begins" but it seems some people that got into Blue Ray recently are rebuying some of their old title in that format...

The week before Iron Man released 300 had a 30% Blue Ray market share in numbers ( for every 2 DVD sold, 1 Blue Ray was sold).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !