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Forums - Sales Discussion - You can't rent games anymore in Belgium - Netherlands ...

^Haha, good joke. Anyway, most authors of the books in libraries are probably dead by now.

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@ KylieDog

Movie and Books are under special license over their, the rental copy is much more expensive than the retail version due to this license, no such license exist for games though, so technically its always been illegal.

Man I was so pissed when I read this bullshit in the newspapers this morning.
What isn't our government taking away from us ?

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

Garcian Smith said:

I feel a great disturbance in the Force. It is as though millions of console modchips clicked into place, and then, silence - except for the nearly-imperceptible whoosh of BitTorrent data, hits on isoHunt, and spinning DVD-R drives.

That's no internet, it's a spacestation., you're right, it's the internet.


That sucks... It's bad..because it will probably come here... and some games.. I'm sorry to say are good rental material, not good buy material. So actually this will be a big loss in money.. because no one is going to rent or buy?? Of course this could be good because retailers will most likely have to lower prices quicker on certain items.. but then it's bad because they'll say they are losing money... Oh boy...(Sigh)

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.



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As a Belgian I'm not to pleased with this, I often bought games after enjoying the rented copy. Now with this option gone I can no longer explore new games of which I'm not 100% certain if they're awsome.

I would have not bought motorstorm, resistance, , etc.
So either give me decent demo's for all games, or reverse this law.

I hope the EU jumps in and bitchslaps the belgian governement.


starcraft said:
Chrizum said:
Hooray for console modding and other illegal ways to get your games.

I never obtained a game illegal, but with all the DRM and now this, they're practically forcing me to.

No, they are not.

You can simply buy games, or go without.  Reviews are plenty to give you a strong idea of whether you will like a game.


 No, reviews are not even close to good enough. I have read dozens of them over the years, and consistently they leave out critical aspects of games for me. Or put a feature I love as a draw back and make it seem to hurt the game rather than help it. Perhaps their view is more inline with the opinion of the masses, but it is not close to mine which is what matters. Reviews are not even close to an acceptable substitute for actually playing the game yourself. Demos are a good alternative if they are supplimented by reliable data on how long the game is. Failing that, I would end up modding my consoles you get the equivalent of renting a game if this law were passed in the US. I hate screwing over game developers more than anything else, but I refuse to buy a product as expensive as games without getting to test it out first save for a few franchises and trusted developers.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

VBI said:
An EU law? If something that effectively applies to the whole of Europe had become law, there should be a bit more news on the subject, I've seen nothing about that in the UK. Wouldn't that damage the games business, which makes it all the more newsworthy?


UK doesn't seem very EUy... you guys still have your own money right?  You have your own rating system?  UK joining the EU will be like when the US was suppose to switch to the metric system in the 70s.

Cueil said:
VBI said:
An EU law? If something that effectively applies to the whole of Europe had become law, there should be a bit more news on the subject, I've seen nothing about that in the UK. Wouldn't that damage the games business, which makes it all the more newsworthy?


UK doesn't seem very EUy... you guys still have your own money right?  You have your own rating system?  UK joining the EU will be like when the US was suppose to switch to the metric system in the 70s.


 UK has been in the EU since 1973, they just haven't adopted the euro as currency.

Edit: I watched it on the news here (in Belgium) and they only mentionned Belgium. Nothing was said about the EU or BENELUX (Belgium/netherlands/luxembourg), so only Belgium.


KylieDog said:
mibuokami said:
@ KylieDog

Movie and Books are under special license over their, the rental copy is much more expensive than the retail version due to this license, no such license exist for games though, so technically its always been illegal.


Why not just the license for the games then? They have them here (UK) and rental stores are often given special 'rental only' versions.


Presumably this is up to the industry and retailer making a deal, something they have not done... considering that the retailer were renting with a far cheaper copy previously this is understadable, I am wondering how long before they a deal can be struct...