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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS4 is so powerfull it will....

It will be so powerful that it'll make a steady income everybody that owns it and we all will never have to work again.

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will be so powerful that it destroys skynet !

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So powerful that it's fabrication could never be duplicated; each PS4 will compete directly with other PS4s, and the meaning of "console exclusive" will never be the same again.

To be honest I haven't heard much about the PS4, and I'm not sure if Sony is going to try to make a graphically powerful beast of a machine next-gen considering how poorly the PS3 has done compared to the PS2's success. I would think they would retool and deliver a moderately powerful system perhaps with some Wii-like motion controls, but not something that is so overly powerful that it would drive costs up to the point where sales would likely suffer. Still, at the very least I think it would be powerful enough to play PS3 games.

PS4 will be so powerful you will need 5 jobs to pay for it.

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The PS4 will be so powerful that it will be able to play every game made for the XBox 720, Wii 2, and PC with 50x enhanced graphics and sound. However, it will not be able to play PS2 or PS3 games.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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can anyone say 5D gaming

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

@ omgwtfbbq the PS3 XMB will be 5D the actual games will run in dimensions beyond space and time.'ll attract more dust than a Black Hole.


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it will...deliver your baby.